(Beijing Electric) China Financial Supervision Department is reported to be considering formulating a new list of new high -quality real estate companies, and in terms of debt and equity financing to increase support for real estate companies listed on the list to help the real estate industryrecovery.

Bloomberg News on Wednesday (January 4) quoted people familiar with the matter reported that after the State Council of the State Council of the State Council instructed the securities industry and banking supervision agencies last week, after the implementation of specific measures for high -quality real estate enterprises, the State Supervision Department and financial institutions proposed the above.measure.

People familiar with the matter said that the regulatory authorities in China generally do not disclose real estate companies that are shortlisted for the shortlisted white list.However, the definition standards of high -quality housing companies include auditors who have no reservation opinions on financial reports for three consecutive years, major bad records, including disclosure market defaults, and "system importance" housing companies.

According to the statistics of Bloomberg, China has more than 100 listed real estate developers with a market value of at least US $ 1 billion (S $ 1.34 billion) may meet the selection standards.

Evergrande and Sunac arrears of bond payment may not be included in the "whiter list"

However, housing companies, including Evergrande and Sunac, may not be included in the list due to the "three red lines" of the Chinese government in 2021, which may not be included in the list.

This policy measure will supplement the Chinese government's existing policy support to reverse the real estate industry, including 16 financial measures in November last year.

According to Bloomberg, China's house sales continued to decline last month, highlighting the challenges facing the real estate market under the downturn of the real estate market.