> A staff member of the Xiuying Branch of the Haikou Public Security Bureau said on Wednesday (January 4) that the case was processed by the police station in the jurisdiction, and a notification will be issued. The specific situation cannot be disclosed and the political office must be contacted.Not Reporters have called the Bureau's Politics Office many times, and no one has answered.Not Xiuying Public Security Branch Xiuying Police Station stated that the person involved was arrested. The incident was suspected to be caused by the business operation and was still under investigation.Not The staff of the store said that the store is still in the trial business stage and has not yet been fully planned. Even if it is occupied, the law enforcement department should be handled by the law enforcement department.It is still unclear.Not A screenshot of a case query she provided by her shows that Xie and others have been arrested on December 31, 2022, and the progress of the case is "administrative penalty."