(Beijing News) The requirements of the China State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism requires that the ability to treat crown disease in rural areas by the end of December will be improved.

According to the China Youth Daily client, the China State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism issued documents on Sunday (December 11), which requires relying on the county medical community to improve the medical security capabilities in rural areas.The document requires that county -level hospitals led by the county medical community should be prepared for the severe medical resources by the end of December.

County -level hospitals are third -level hospitals. The construction and upgrading of the comprehensive ICU monitoring unit should be accelerated to ensure that the number of integrated ICU beds for various types of severe patients used to infection with coronary virusThe total number is 4%, and each intensive care unit can be used at any time.

County -level hospitals are second -level hospitals, and intensive medical medicines should be set up independently. The construction and transformation of intensive conditioning monitoring units should be used in accordance with the comprehensive ICU standards to ensure that each intensive care unit can be used at any time.Chinese hospitals are divided into three levels and ten, and third -level hospitals are the top levels.

It is reported that there are 500 million rural population in China, including a considerable proportion of empty nest elderly people. At the same time, rural areas are still in areas with scarce medical resources, and the level of rural population health is not as good as the urban population.

Elderly people are high -risk people developing severe illnesses.The China State Council joint control mechanism reported on December 8 that the elderly over 65 years old, 75 years old, and over 85 years old, the risk of severe illness after the crown virus infected with coronary virus was five, seven, and nine times that of young people.The risk of death is 90 times, 220 times, and 570 times, respectively.