Avatar: The Water Road is expected to be released in China on the 16th of this month.He is a show, but most of the high fares of more than 100 yuan have triggered a lot of audiences.Not According to Zhongxin Jingwei reports, the reporter found that the cat's eye movie inquiries on Friday (December 9) found that the real -time fare of Cat Eye Movies in the Cat Eye Movie found that in Shanghai, Avatar on the 14th:The price is as high as 358 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 69.77), which is played for the Cinity Hall.Not The rising fares have been spit out by many netizens. "Is Avatar come out to feed me to eat popcorn?" "I was scared by the price of a movie ticket, looked down on!"NotTicket sales data, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Qingdao, Suzhou and other cities have appeared "high -priced tickets" of about 200 yuan.Not Cat Eye Movie shows that a total of 32 theaters in Shanghai arranged Avatar on December 14: the fare of the Water Road ranging from 85 yuan to 358 yuan.Among them, the fares of 12 theaters are 300 yuan to 400 yuan, and the fares of 17 theaters are 200 yuan to 300 yuan. High fares are concentrated in the IMAX and Cinity Hall with better movie viewing effects.Not Cat Eye Movies show that a total of 23 Beijing theaters are a bit screened on December 14, with the fare ranging from 84 yuan to 258 yuan, of which 11 theaters fares are 200 yuan to 300 yuan, 11, 11, 11The theater set the fare within 100 yuan to 200 yuan, and only one theater's fare was within 100 yuan.Not Mr. Tan, Shanghai Fans, said, "When you know Avatar: When you can buy a ticket, I am very excited. I am going to see the first old friend to see the first old friend together 12 years ago, but nowTwo or three hundred fares have exceeded my expectations, or after the official release is officially released, the fare drops down. "

Lighthouse professional version data shows that Avatar: The average fare of the Water Way is 90.3Yuan, of which IMAX box office was 44.21 million yuan, accounting for over 40 % of the total box office, and the average IMAX fare was 125.9 yuan.The average pre -sale fare of the Spring Festival in 2022 is about 57.6 yuan. Avatar: The average fare of the Water Way is 32.7 yuan at the price of the Spring Festival in 2022.Not Avatar released by Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd.: Notice of Water's Payment of Water Display shows that the box office settlement standard of the film is: 25 yuan/person (digital 3D) and 30 yuan/person (laser imax and CINITYTo.However, the issuance notice is specifically stated that the fare of the film is a market adjustment price, and the sales price is formulated by the theater.Not The staff of a theater in Beijing Chaoyang said, "Avatar: The water is long, more than 3 hours, and it is still 3D movies, so the fare will be relatively expensive. Many people have bought tickets., But there are still votes. When you watch movies, you only check the health treasure green code. "

There are still some fans who are willing to pay for it. According to the professional version of the lighthouse, as of 12:00 on December 10th, Avatar: Water: Water: Water: Water: Water: Water: Water: Water: Water: Water: Water: WaterFor 3 days of pre -sale, the total box office of the pre -sale has exceeded 90 million, which is about to become the fastest of 90 million films in the pre -sale of 2022.Not Public information shows that "Avatar" IP has always been a popular IP. Avatar, which was first released in North America in 2009, set a number of records. In 2021, Avatar's reflection in China helped the film's global box office exceeding moreAvengers 4, re -entered the global film history box office champion, with a cumulative box office of about 2.8 billion US dollars.Not According to reports, in 2010, Avatar's 3D screen and golden location movie tickets in Mainland China were stated by oxen to more than 1,500 yuan.Not Based on the powerful appeal of Avatar IP, Huaxin Securities Research Report believes that Avatar: The Water Water will bring new increase to the Chinese box office market.Not Lighthouse professional version data analyst Chen Jin pointed out that many industry media have raised Avatar: the box office forecast of the waterway, and it is expected to exceed 3 billion yuan. At that timeEssenceNotAn> For the rising film ticket price, industry insider Li Cheng (pseudonym) said, "The theaters must also be alive, Avatar's popular IP market demand is high, and the fares are naturally rising."

> Li Cheng believes that from the theater in recent years, the epidemic has been repeated, new films lack, the number of theater operating risks has increased, and the usual income is sharply reduced.In addition, the subsidy of the ticket platform has also increased the actual price of consumers to purchase single movie tickets.Not The relevant Chinese departments announced in October 2018 that they would cancel the subsidy of tickets and requested that the third -party online ticket sales fee was not higher than two yuan.