The more you sell, the more losses, the average loss amount of the ideal new car sales has increased significantly, and the gross profit margin declines by about 10 percentage points year -on -year.

According to the First Financial Report, statistics from the financial report data show that the average operating loss of the ideal bicycle in 2021 exceeds 10,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 20,000), 2022 first, No. 1, No. 1In the second quarter, the average losses of bicycle sales were 13,000 yuan and 34,000 yuan, respectively.

With the sharp rise in the prices of medium and upstream products such as batteries, the company's average loss of bicycle sales in the third quarter of 2022 has exceeded 80,000 yuan, which has continued to increase significantly.Compared with other companies released three quarterly reports early, the ideal car release time was one month slower than many companies.The key cause of "accelerating blood loss" is that the gross profit margin plummeted in the third quarter of about 10 percentage points.

The company's operating loss in the third quarter of 2022 reached 2.13 billion yuan, an increase of 117.6%from 978 million yuan in the second quarter of 2022.Based on the calculation of 26,500 units in the third quarter, the operating loss generated by the average quarterly car was 80,400 yuan.

Data show that in the third quarter of this year, the ideal automobile R & D investment reached a new high, reaching 1.8 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 103.1%.

A private equity person who focuses on investing in the upper reaches of the new energy vehicle industry chain analyzes that from the perspective of the entire industry chain of the electric vehicle, the current profit is concentrated in the lithium ore and midstream battery manufacturing.In terms of downstream market concentration, although the downstream vehicle is high in pricing, it is still difficult to cover rising costs. The competition in the vehicle market is still fierce. It is not expected that the relevant companies can turn their losses into profits.

In addition, the continuous decline of the ideal car delivery is worrying. In the third quarter of the company, the data was only 26,500.However, with the delivery of new products, investors expect that the company's delivery volume can be relatively optimistic throughout the year.

Soochow Securities Analyst Zeng Duohong analyzed that in November 2022, the ideal car was delivered to 112,000 units. With the official opening of the ideal L8 in November, it is optimistic that many new cars are expected to bring sales volume.Continuously growing, it is expected that the ideal car delivery of the year in 2022 is expected to achieve more than 130,000 vehicles.