The Xiamen property market in China has further liberalized purchase restrictions.Recently, the Hubin Yili project on Siming District, Xiamen Island has entered the market. More than 300 houses have attracted nearly 3,000 groups of customers to come to the lottery.

According to the Huaxia Times, since December 5, 2022, the policy of restrictions on the outside of Xiamen Island has been adjusted.The adjustment policy of outside the island to be adjusted to the non -housing family and individuals of non -city household registration in the actual work and life of Xiamen can purchase a house restricted on the island.The island's purchase restriction policy remains unchanged. It is still a non -city household registration family and individuals that have been paid for three years of social security or declaration of individual taxes in the past four years, as well as eligible non -city household registration talents to restrict a house on the island.

In fact, this is the second time in Xiamen to relax during the year.

As early as May of this year, Xiamen entered the "loosening" of the property market, mainly manifested in supporting the improvement of sexual improvement and rigid housing demand for multi -child families.

Specifically, in response to the improvement of many children's families, the two -child and above families of Xiamen can buy third houses in the city of Xiamen (covering an area of less than 180 square meters), among the two children, two childrenOne person needs to be minors.For rigid housing demand, it is specifically manifested as non -housing non -Xiamen household registration families and individuals. If you buy a house outside the island, you only need to provide information such as a certificate of work for more than half a year.

Chen Wenjing, director of market research director of the Index Division of the Medium Finger Research Institute, said on December 8 that in 2022, with the continuous adjustment of the national real estate market and the impact of the epidemic, the Xiamen real estate market was also in the adjustment stage.Since the second half of the year, the central government has frequently landed on the property market support policies, and the policy support of both end of supply and demand has been further strengthened, which has driven market emotional restoration to a certain extent.

On December 7, the 204 suites of the Lake Bin Yili Project in Siming District, Xiamen Island opened sold out after the opening.It is reported that this is the second batch of the project in the project, and the first batch of the first batch of the first two weeks to remove 124 sets.The 328 suits of this project have all been sold.

It is worth mentioning that according to the statistics of the Xiamen Housing Security and Housing Management Bureau, a total of 328 houses can be sold in the Hubin Yili project.There are 2,916 households who have the qualification review and frozen the intention. Among them, 507 households are given priority to buyers and 2,409 ordinary buyers.

More than 300 sets of houses have entered the market, attracting nearly 3,000 groups of customers to come to shake the number.However, Sun Mei, Xiamen Real Estate Intermediary, analyzed that the reason for the hot sales of Hubin Yili projects is mainly the good location and the school.However, not all the new disks are like this, some new disks have not been sold for a long time.The entire large market cannot be generalized.