The Korqin BranchThere are 63 suspects, and the gang has a money laundering amount of 12 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 2.3 billion).Not According to the official WeChat public account of the Tongliao Public Security Bureau on Saturday (December 10), the Lianqin Center of the Institute of Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the people on July 15, 2022 to the peopleThe bank's Hohhot Sub -branch said that found that the criminal suspect Shi Mouyuan was abnormal in the construction bank's card in the construction bank in the official area, with a monthly current water transaction volume of more than 10 million yuan, suspected of money laundering crimes.NotSPAN> The Project of the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region dispatched 230 police forces from September to October, and went to 17 provinces and regions, including Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Beijing, Henan, and Zhang Mou and technology who had fallen to Bangkok, Thailand.The operation and maintenance personnel advise to return to China.At this point, Ji Mou and Zhang's special use of the online blockchain to exchange digital virtual currency money laundering gangs have been destroyed, and a total of about 130 million yuan in illegal income was collected.Not Investigation found that the gang used digital virtual currency transactions to exchange exchange to help China and overseas criminal group money laundering.Beginning in May 2021, the criminal gangs led by the suspect Ji, Zhang, and Wang used the use of overseas chat software Telegram to develop offline personnel, and criminal funds suspected of cyberspace, fraud, gambling and other crime funds through the wave field chain chain chain chain(USDT-TRC20) and Ethereum chain (USDT-TRC20) converted to virtual digital currency Tyda (USDT). Finally, register an anonymous blockchain account address through many illegal personnel recruited, and exchange RMB to pay the upstream criminal group gold.Lord, capture illegal interests from it.Not According to reports, the gang has a denominator in many places in China. After completing the "receiving order", the money laundering task will be assigned to the money laundering teams in various places.Money laundering operation. The amount of money laundering by virtual currency transactions is as high as 12 billion yuan.NotSPAN> At present, 63 people including the suspect Ji Mou have been adopted for criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law, and the case is being handled further.Not According to the China Securities Journal, the person in charge of the case said, "After buying a virtual currency anonymously, it is equivalent to setting up a physical isolation.The query from virtual currency is also complicated, which brings great difficulties to obtaining evidence. " /P>

Guo Yatao, head of the chain law lawyer team, said that China prohibits virtual currency issuance financing and exchange activities, but due to various countriesThere are differences with regulatory policies adopted by the regional Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. Through overseas virtual currency service providers and exchanges, the free exchange of virtual currencies and legal currencies can be achieved. Therefore, virtual currencies are easily used for cross -border money laundering.Not He also said that current transactions in this form have attracted great attention at the regulatory level.At the legal level, the amendments to the criminal law have also increased their punishment for money laundering crimes.