The number of crown diseases in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chongqing has increased. Experts reminded that the idea of "early Yang and early freedom" and "planning active infection" must be avoided or late infection.

According to the First Caijing Sunday (11th), Xia Jiaan, director of Wuhan Jinyan Tan Hospital, reminded: "Although the number of infections now has increased, everyone is the first responsible person of their own health, or it is still the person in charge of his own health, or the person in charge of his own health is still the person in charge of his own health.You should try to avoid infection, do not take the initiative to gather, reduce unnecessary travel, etc. Especially in public places, you must wear a mask to take personal protection measures. "

Xia Jia'an in the Wuhan epidemic andDuring this year's epidemic situation, resistance work on the front line.He said that although many people are unable to avoid being infected in the end, they still hope that everyone is "late infection and not infected as much as possible", especially "don't take the initiative to infection."

He told reporters: "Although the virus's toxic power is alleviated now, it is not asymptomatic. Most people still have symptoms, and the more people infectedThe greater the consumption, the burden of actively increasing the medical resources. "

Xia Jiaan believes that if everyone does not take protective measures, the peak infection may come soon, and the medical care at this stage will be medical treatment. At this stage, medical treatment at this stageResources may not be fully prepared, so try to delay the peak time as much as possible, and it will also help strive time for the medical system to better respond.

He also said that as a medical staff as a medical system, he should also actively protect himself to avoid affecting the normal operation of the hospital due to a large area of infection."As the main force of anti -crown disease, medical staff will take a very heavy task in the next few months. We must avoid a large number of medical staff infection at the same time."

Xia Jiaan also saidOne time does not mean that it will not be infected in the future."Although it may be possible to obtain certain immunity after the infection, foreign experience also tells us that with the mutation of the virus, the infection cannot obtain lifelong immunity at a time, and repeated infection may also occur."

He emphasized that vaccination is still critical, especially for the elderly who have basic diseases and have not vaccinated vaccines, it is recommended to actively vaccinate vaccines to reduce the occurrence of severe illnesses.