

Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

After the new ten of the crown disease epidemic prevention and control measures on December 7th, there are constantly called "Yang" on social media, and some friends around me are recruited.Beijing was obviously encountered a epidemic shock.

New Ten Articles are further optimized on the basis of 20 articles.To be optimized, it is actually equivalent to basically letting go.Although the official still requires the restaurant's downside inspection for 48 hours of nucleic acid, many restaurants do not take it seriously. Except for most public places in the hospital and other places, the scanning code has also become a decoration.The strict control measures in the past three years are like a wind.

The three -year epidemic prevention and control, especially the strict control since April this year, effectively delayed the spread of the epidemic, but also caused heavy blows in Chinese economic activities and social life, and strict control was increasingly difficult to succeed.At the same time, the vast majority of countries have long chosen to coexist with the virus, and relaxation of prevention and control is an inevitable choice for Chinese officials.

However, people did not expect to relax so fast, so thorough.In the past few days, the number of people taking public transportation such as subway and buses has decreased significantly, and the number of shopping and leisure places such as shopping malls is not as good as relaxing.Many people have not prepared psychological preparations and drug reserves. The sudden epidemic shock made everyone uncomfortable.

Hospitals and pharmacies began to be long -term.Starting from December 8, the people in various urban hospitals in Beijing have increased sharply.In a hospital in Haidian District, there are hundreds of people waiting in the cold wind. A citizen said that some people in his family were "yang", but they could not buy antipyretics. They could only go to the hospital to find medicine.It has been lined up for two hours and has not yet entered the hospital lobby.

According to the Economic Observation Network, many pharmacies have been sold out of fever, anti -inflammatory drugs, and cough medicines.Not only pharmacies, but also some hospitals are also facing the problem of lack of medicine.There was a shortage of related drugs on the afternoon of December 9th, the Sixth Hospital of Beijing. Until the morning of the 10th, the hospital's pharmacy was still unprecedented.The doctor of the hospital introduced that her department had five infections and could not buy medicines.

The antigen kit and thermometer are also very scarce.In the Gaoji Baikang Pharmacy near Chaoyang Hospital, dozens of citizens came to ask if there was a antigen kit in a few minutes. The clerk said that there were only 100 packets that day, and they were bought out early in the morning.A drug and weapon wholesaler introduced that he was difficult to purchase the thermometer recently due to the tight supply.

For Beijing's drug tension, the Beijing Drug Administration stated on December 6 that about 400,000 boxes of "Lianhua Qing Plague" particles and capsules that are launched daily.Promote citizens without the need to blindly "medicine".But this is not the case.

Economic Observation Network reported that a 34 -year -old citizen lined up in the hospital from 12 noon and is expected to be scheduled at more than 7 pm.He has been vaccinated with three -shot crown disease. At present, the symptoms are mainly fever, because he can't know the specific body temperature when he can't buy the thermometer.He was not worried about the infection of the virus, but on the evening of the 8th, he had symptoms of chills and became hot. He had no reserves in the family before.In the early morning of the 9th, he had nothing to obtain online e -commerce platforms and nearby pharmacies.

Beijing official data shows that from 0:00 on December 10th to 24th, there were 784 local confirmed cases and 877 asymptomatic infections in Beijing without new suspected cases.But this data is obviously inconsistent with reality.Because nuclear acid certificates are not checked on December 7, many positive infections passing antigen tests have not entered official statistics, and many people do not perform antigen tests. Beijing's actual infection data should be much higher than the official data released.

Hospitals and pharmacies have not only appeared in Beijing.Economic Observation Network reported that in Wuhan, Yu Changping, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Department of Wuhan University, has received friends inquiries in many days in recent days. Whether the hospital can buy antitussive drugs in the hospital.According to his understanding, the pharmacies on the street are insufficient, and there is a shortage of drugs in his hospital, and it is difficult for some employees to buy.

Beijing and other places for residents are missing medicines. One important reason is that in the past three years, "four types of medicines" such as antipyretic, cough, anti -infection, and treatment of sore throat require real -name registration. When the epidemic is serious, some cities have even explicitly suspend pharmaceutical stores.Sales "four types of medicines".Beijing only adjusted the "four types of medicines" on December 3, and the prevention and control policies suddenly relaxed, and the epidemic spread rapidly. Many citizens had no time to prepare medicines.

Obviously, with the release of comprehensive management and control, many places in China are may face the impact of the first wave of virus infections. The supply of medical systems and drugs is facing huge challenges.

On December 9th, Jiao Yahui, the director of the Medical and Political Department of the National Health and Health Commission of China, said at a press conference that the positive crown disease was going to designated hospitals before, and then all medical institutions had to take a positive patient.Come to distinguish whether the consultation, patients do not have to worry about the hospital's not receiving.Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places also requested that the hot kidney should be opened and shall not turn off the popularity and emergency clinics on the grounds that those who are positive in infection of crown disease.

But the reality is that more and more patients in various places have poured into the hospital, and the risk of infection of medical staff has continued to increase.Moreover, Beijing and other places have not yet ushered in the peak of infection.Experts such as Academician Zhong Nanshan predict that the peak infection may come in January and February next year.

Relaxing the control is the general trend, and there is no way back.However, how to solve the problem of medical treatment and medication, soothing and reducing the public's fear of the virus, allowing the shock waves that have been speaking in more stably in various places, which is another challenge that governments at all levels of Chinese governments cannot be avoided.