(Beijing News) Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that cooperation between China and Arab countries is not to fill the "power vacuum", but to travel side by side based on common interests.

on the international pattern and regional situation "Third Ring Summit" will have a profound impact

China's official Saturday (10th) ended his visit to Saudi Arabia.According to the content released by the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 11th, Wang Yi described that China's official trip has been the "largest and highest specifications" diplomatic operation on the Arab world since 1949. It is another "another roundSuccessful practice.

Chinese officials went to Liad, the capital of the Saudi country from December 7th to 10th to attend the first "China -Arab National Summit", the first "China -Gulf Arab National Cooperation Commission Summit" and conducted state visit to the Saudi State.During the period, he met with nearly 20 Arab countries leaders.Zhongsha Enterprise also signed 34 investment agreements to cooperate in the fields of green energy, logistics, infrastructure, and information and communication technology.

Wang Yi said that Chinese officials attended the "Third Ring Summit" of the leaders of China, China, China, and Zhongsha, which are "another major innovation" of Chinese diplomacy, which reflects the strategy of China and Arabia for global challenges to strengthen unity and cooperation.The choice, "compiling the new historical chapter of Sino -Arab relations, will definitely have a profound impact on the international pattern and regional situation."

Wang Yi said that international public opinion also commented that China and Arabia respect each other, do not interfere with each other, and jointly oppose hegemony power, oppose ideological confrontation, is the most important consensus between China and Arab.

"China and Arab countries cooperation is not to fill the" power vacuum ', but because of common interests. "

Wang Yi also said that during the three visits before and after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chinese officials met with leaders of more than 40 countries, and described China's diplomacy with "virtue or lonely, there must be neighbors", called China "The circle of friends is getting wider, more and more new friends, old friends are getting more and more iron. "