Although China's stock secondary market has been sluggish since this year, the IPO is still hot. This year, the amount of new A -share shares fundraising has reached a record high, and the generals will run the main capital market.

According to Bloomberg, Bloomberg's summary data shows that since this year, 391 companies have been listed and traded in A shares, which has been priced, which is reduced compared with the number of more than 500 last year, but the cumulative fundraising funds have reached 920A $ 100 million (about S $ 124.7 billion) is the highest in history. Among them, China Mobile and China Sea PetroChina raised a total of nearly $ 13.7 billion in China Mobile and China Sea Oil.

In addition, the fundraising amount of A -share IPOs is far exceeding the level of nearly US $ 24 billion and Hong Kong more than $ 12.5 billion, becoming the world's hottest IPO market.

Affected by the complex domestic and foreign situations including epidemic and geography this year, the Chinese stock market has fluctuated violently, but factors such as the reform of the IPO market benefit registration system and the still impossible new shares return.Investor's preference.At present, with the policy control policy of China's relaxation of crown disease, the market is more active in the Chinese stock market outlook next year, and it is expected that the IPO market will continue this year's prosperity.

"The high -quality Chinese company of queuing IPO has continued to increase in 2022, and it is expected to continue next year," James Bean, the investment group manager of Myriad asset ManagementUnder the dynamic clearing policy, the economic transformation is successful and supports the domestic labor market. Many of the companies will seek fundraising. "

China's registration system reform has currently operated on the Shanghai Science and Technology Board and Shenzhen GEM.Since the opening of the market for more than a year, more than 130 companies have been listed and traded, which has facilitated the financing of innovation and SME financing.The chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission Yihui said at the Financial Street Forum in November stated that it will further promote the reform of stock issuance registration system.

"The registration system for personal prediction of the motherboard may usher in next year, and at the same time, the financing support of private enterprises may still need to be strengthened," Zhang Aoping, Dean of the Increasing Research Institute, pointed out. "This year is relatively large.The highlight of the Beijing Stock Exchange is the support of the innovative SMEs. In fact, many innovations were created by small and medium -sized private enterprises. "

Bloomberg data shows that the average return of A shares publicly issued stocks this year is 29%, Better than the average return of 5.5%of U.S. stocks. Hong Kong's first publicly issued stocks this year fell by 6.2%.

In addition to the IPO market, re -financing may also be worthy of attention next year, especially the real estate field.Faced with the downturn in the real estate market and the liquidity dilemma of housing companies, the China Securities Regulatory Commission introduced five measures to support housing companies at the end of November, involving the restoration of listed real estate companies and re -financing of housing -related listed companies.As of now, there have been many real estate companies such as Shimao, Huaxia Happiness, and Jiakai City have announced their fixed increase plans.

"For the real estate sector, we should see more listed companies for re -financing," Hu Linghan, managing director of the Asian stock capital market of UBS Global Investment Banking, pointed out. "The club mainly comes from different industries. "She pointed out that potential industries may include consumer goods and hotels, electric vehicles and batteries related to the economy, and solar energy.