(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese capital Beijing released the "Beijing Ten Articles" for only two days. Many communities have issued a notice saying that residents' autonomous antigen detection is positive or fever and other symptoms, and no need to report to the community.However, with the relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, many hospitals in Beijing have recently rowed out of the row. Some citizens said that they could not buy antipyretics and antigen kits.

Comprehensive "Beijing release" WeChat public account and multiple community official public accounts, Beijing on Wednesday (December 7) announced that 10 measures to optimize epidemic prevention will be implemented from now on, and those who enter Beijing will no longer perform inspection and check -up acidic acid.The negative proof and health code will no longer perform the "three days and three inspections" after arriving in Beijing.A number of communities such as Haidian District and Chaoyang District of Beijing also issued a notice on Friday (9th) that residents have symptoms such as anti -original positive or fever in residents. It is recommended to be separated by home.Prepare.Residents received a notice of "positive mixed pipe" and could voluntarily choose to perform single -person single -pipe sample review without reporting to the community.

The above notifications are conveyed from the most grass -roots community neighborhood committees to residents and residents in the districts in the district through the WeChat group. If residents act according to the notice, they are also announced that the number of infected people issued by the Beijing government every day will no longer make sense.

Earlier, when Beijing announced the new epidemic data in the city, the number of new infections will be notified in various districts.When the Beijing Municipal Health and Health Committee released the latest data on Saturday (December 10), only the number of new local confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected cases announced, and no specific figures in each district were announced.

Netizens have questioned that they do not report and do not have a certificate to explain to the unit

Some netizens questioned the notice of "no need to report" in the community: "How to explain to the unit without reporting?" But some people pointed out: "The antigen reagents can not be bought, how can I report it?"

As for the official infection data of the districts, some netizens agree that since the nucleic acid testing is no longer forced, the official has been published by the official data, and even ridiculed: "If you don't directly announce how many negatives are there."

Because the responsibility of epidemic prevention falls on the individual, many people are in a mood.According to Reuters, China Youth Daily and Economic Observation Network, there are many hospitals from many hospitals in Chaoyang, Dongcheng and Xicheng on Friday.Restore minus 6 degrees Celsius.Citizens who have self -measured anti -original positive claims that they cannot buy antipyretics, so they have to go to a popular roller clinic for medicine.The difficulty of buying medicines also appeared in many cities such as Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chongqing, and more than a hundred people in the Wuhan Central Hospital were arranged to seek medical treatment.

In order to eliminate the key bottlenecks in the supply chain network of drugs and antigen kits in various places, the relevant departments have announced that they have fully canceled the epidemic checkpoints of highways, channels, and shipwars established in various places.Provenance and health code.The Chinese Market Supervision and Administration Administration also issued a reminder on Saturday that it is necessary to resolutely prevent the occurrence of "epidemic and money" in the platform of the platform; it is strictly forbidden to make prices, hoard the accumulation, fabricate and spread price increase information, resulting in too high the price of goods and services.

After the epidemic prevention measures are relaxed, major shopping malls in Beijing have gradually recovered from the weekend, but in recent days, it has a cooling trend.The owner of a hairdressing department in Chaoyang District said that after the epidemic prevention was loosened, the business did not improve. The attitude of people turned cautiously. His business dropped by 60%over a half weeks ago.

The owner of a street shop in Wuhan also said: "We know that the country wants to be reopened, but we cannot relax. We must take preventive measures to protect ourselves because the virus is quickly spreading."