The UN Security Council reviews the Ukrainian humanity on Friday (October 21). Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, said at the meeting that peace is the fundamental way to resolve the Ukrainian humanity crisis.

According to the official website of the Chinese permanent delegation in the United Nations, Geng Shuang said that recently, the ground conflict on the Ukraine has continued to intensify, the humanitarian situation has continued to deteriorate, and the peace prospects are even more dull. China is deeply worried about it.This crisis that lasted nearly eight months allowed ordinary people to pay a heavy price, so that countries around the world, especially developing countries, to suffer tremendous pressure, and make the global economic development face a serious impact.The international community should prevent the long -term, expand, and complexity of conflicts, fully reduce the humanitarian consequences brought by the conflict, curb the impact of crisis overflow, and jointly make unremitting efforts to promote the situation to relax and cool down, and achieve the early ceasefire and stop war.

For this reason, Geng Shuang emphasizes three opinions, that is, we must effectively abide by international humanitarian law, continue to increase humanity assistance, and make full containment of spillover effects.

Geng Shuang said that the international humanitarian law is the code of conduct that the parties must follow in the situation of conflict.Civilian and civilian facilities should be fully protected, and all parties shall provide convenience for personnel evacuation and humanitarian rescue.Key infrastructure such as nuclear power plants, energy pipelines, and bridges should not be the target of military attacks.All parties should maintain the maximum restraint to avoid words and deeds that exacerbate confrontation and cause misjudgment, prevent the conflict from further upgrading and expanding, and slide to a more dangerous edge.

He said that as winter approaches, the number of people with millions of people, especially women and children, need to rely on humanitarian rescue to maintain basic living.China appreciates the efforts of international humanitarian institutions and neighboring countries around Ukraine to alleviate humanitarian crisis, and call on the international community to continue to provide assistance to Ukraine on the basis of humanitarian, neutral, justice, and independence.The people who influence can be properly resettled.

Geng Shuang also said that the international community should unite and cooperate to jointly maintain the stable operation of global food, energy, and financial markets, and eliminate political obstacles facing international economic and trade cooperation.It is important to maintain and expand the return of grain fertilizers in Ukraine and Russia to the international market. It is very important to stabilize global grain prices and ensure the supply of agricultural products.China supports Black Sea Food Foreign Transportation Agreement and Russian Grain Fertilizer Export Memorandum to continue to be effectively implemented.

Geng Shuang concluded in his speech that peace is the fundamental way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis crisis, and it is also the only way to achieve long -term stability in Ukraine and region.No matter how difficult the difficulties are, the door of political solution cannot be closed, the process of diplomatic negotiations cannot be stagnated, and the efforts of the war to talk about the war cannot be relaxed.The international community should focus on persuasion and talks, focus on solving politics, and promote all parties to restart the peace talks as soon as possible, stop the war at an early date, and achieve a peaceful resolution of crisis as soon as possible.As a responsible country, China will continue to play a constructive role in persuasion and talk, and continue to make positive contributions to alleviating humanitarian crisis.