Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the Chinese Permanent United Nations, said that dialogue negotiation is the correct way to solve the Kosovo issue.NotThe Xinhua News Agency reported that Geng Shuang spoke at the issue of the Coscom issue of the Coscom of the Security Council on Tuesday (October 18), emphasizing that dialogue negotiation is the correct way to solve the Cosovo issue.NotShuang said that since June this year, Kosovo has adopted unilateral action on identity documents, vehicle licenses and other issues, which has led to several upgrades of the situation in northern Kosovo several times.Explain concern.NotShuang mentioned that under the mediation of the relevant parties, the two parties have reached an agreement on the problem of identity documents. At present, the license plate problem is suspended. Kosovo requires that the license plate is renewed before the end of this month, which may cause protests or even conflict. This situation must be avoided.NotIt is said that China encourages both parties to continue to maintain pragmatic and constructive contacts and implement the previous negotiation results.The section should promote the establishment of the Cyclus City Alliance as soon as possible in accordance with the provisions of the Brussels agreement.The harmony of all ethnic groups is the basic prerequisite for achieving the stability of Kosovo.NotRecently, there have been many theft and attacks on ethnic minorities and their religious places in the Kosovo region. China hopes that Kosovo officials will take practical measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of all the nations of Kosovo, including the Sai tribe.NotShuang reiterated that China ’s position on Kosovo's issue is consistent and clear.China supports the relevant parties to reach a political solution that can be accepted through sincere dialogue within the decision framework 1244 of the Security Council.In the process, Serbia's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity should be fully respected.