Morgan Stanley believes that investors may be too pessimistic about China's crown disease prevention policy, and China may relax its strict epidemic prevention policies earlier than the market expects.

According to Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley's strategist wrote in the report that China is facing the pressure of relaxing and strict epidemic prevention measures, because China is worried that the unemployment rate may rise further, and if the current policy is continued, local governments will not not implement the current policy.There will be enough income.

Morgan Stanley strategist Dai Min (transliterated from MIN DAI) and others wrote in the report: "Investors may be too pessimistic, we think risks are unexpected."

Stephen Jen, CEO of Eurizon Slj Capital LTD.Essence

Stephen Jen believes: "The Chinese Big Bang" has a mentality of letting go of the new crown and zero zero. However, if the time and place of time and place, I expect the application of zero strategy to further relax, rather than more moreStrict control. "

Morgan Stanley will closely pay close attention to the statement of the Chinese leadership on the epidemic at the Central Economic Work Conference in the next few weeks and December.

Analysts wrote: "Any statement that mentioned economic growth in 2023 will increase the expectations of investors' relaxation of epidemic prevention policies."