Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric, said on Friday (June 28) that the company strives to divide shareholders every year, but shareholders cannot demand how much scores of the company, and the company must also reserve "dry food".

Comprehensive Surging News and the Southern Metropolis Daily reported that Dong Mingzhu said at the 2023 annual shareholders meeting of Gree Electric's 2023 annual shareholder meeting: "Gree is a responsible enterprise, we strive for the annual dividend's determination to dividend the annual dividendIt will not shake, this is also the commitment and 'Xinxin Pills' handed over to every shareholder."

Some investors compare Gree Electric's 2023 dividends with the group. In this regard, Dong Mingzhu said that to compare the cumulative dividends of the two companies in the past 10 years, the company strives to give shareholders every year.Dividends, but shareholders cannot demand how much scores of the company to make, what should I do if they finish the development of the company?Enterprises also have to reserve "dry food".Do not eat dry and use it, continue to develop.

In response to the export of Gree's products, Dong Mingzhu said that Gree's export has rely on "OEM" in the past, but in recent years, fundamental changes have taken place.Now Gree's exports are basically their own products. At the same time, after the cultivation of in recent years, the share of Gree's independent brands has become higher and higher in the international market.

Dong Mingzhu said: "Gree's internationalization will still move forward this year. We always believe that the development of Chinese manufacturing is the mission of enterprises to perform and the responsibility of the enterprise."

Copper prices have risen this year, and air -conditioning is a large copper household, which may affect the gross profit of air -conditioning enterprises.In this regard, Dong Mingzhu responded: "We have learned that some air -conditioning companies have begun to use aluminum instead of copper as raw materials. At present, if aluminum is used to replace, its durability and stability are now dare not guarantee.Before 100 % of the grasp, Gree will never use aluminum copper. "

Dong Mingzhu emphasized:" Quality is always the first consideration standard, rather than putting costs first. Under the same conditions of quality, we can consider cost issues."

Dong Mingzhu talked about his" net red "status again at the meeting," Many people always think that I am a net red, but not that I want to be a 'Internet celebrity', andGree's products are deeply rooted in people's hearts.

For the topic of retirement, Dong Mingzhu said, "I may retire next year, but it is not possible to leave a mess for the people behind."

Gree Electric's total operating income of 205.018 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 38.2 billion) in 2023, an increase of 7.82%year -on -year; net profit of home mother was 29.017 billion yuan, an increase of 18.41%year -on -year.Paid 23.8 yuan per 10 shares to all shareholders.

Gree Electric closed at 39.22 yuan on Friday, with a slight decline of 0.66%, and the total market value was 220.9 billion yuan.