Trump, a presidential candidate for the United States, said on Thursday that people who graduate from American universities should "automatically" get a green card in order to stay in the United States.

Trump said in the ALL-in podcast program hosted by technology investors: "If you graduate from college, I think you should automatically get a green card, as part of your diploma, so that you can stay in this country.Including colleges "

Green Card, also known as permanent resident card, allows individuals to live and work permanently in the United States, which is a way to obtain citizenship. Trump's tough stance on immigration is the core of his government. He vowed that if he was elected again, he would crack down on a large scale.

"Anyone who graduated from college, as long as you stay there for two or four years, if you graduate from college or get a doctorate degree, you should be able to stay in this country," Trump said. It is unclear that Trump refers to all foreigners, including foreigners who illegally enter the United States or visa overdue, or those who only hold student visas.

Deputy Secretary of State of the United States: I hope more Chinese students come to the United States to study liberal arts instead of rational science

Kurt Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, said on Monday that the United States should welcome more students from China, but they should let them study humanities and rational sciences and point out that because of security reasons, American universities are restricting Chinese students to be sensitive to sensitivitytechnology.

Campbell said that there are not enough Americans to learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics.He said that the United States needs to recruit more international students in these fields, but it must be recruited from India, an increasingly important security partner in the United States, instead of recruiting from China.

Over the years, Chinese students have been the largest group of foreign students in the United States. The total number of Chinese students in the 2022/23 school year is close to 290,000.However, academic and folk people believe that the deterioration of US -China relations and concerns about the stolen American professional knowledge have hindered scientific cooperation and caused Chinese students to suffer unnecessary doubts.

Campbell said to the Foreign Relations Association (CFR): "I want to see more Chinese students come to the United States to study humanities and social sciences, not particle physics."

Campbell said that American universities have made "cautious attempts" in supporting Chinese students to continue to receive higher education, but they also "keep cautious about laboratory and Chinese students' activities."

He said: "I do think it is possible to reduce and limit the access of certain types. We have generally seen this situation, especially in technical projects across the United States."

Campbell pointed out that some people think that China is the only source of making up for the shortage of scientific students.

"I think the greatest growth we need to see in the future will be that more Indian students come to American universities to study a series of technologies and other fields."