According to the news of the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection on June 1: Recently, with the approval of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation of the serious violations of discipline and violations of Bao Bingzhang, the former member of the 14th Shanghai CPPCC.

Bao Bingzhang

After investigation, Bao Bingzhang, as a leading cadre of party members, lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, violated political discipline, forged evidence to fight for organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, and the acceptance of gifts that could affect fair execution of official duties, gifts, and official duties, and gifts that could affect fair execution of official duties.Gifts, places with private clubs in violation of regulations and receiving banquets, accepting tourism activities that may affect fair execution of official duties; violate the discipline of integrity, engage in power transactions, money transactions, buy houses at low prices, engage in profit activities in violation of regulations, have ownership, have ownershipNon -listed companies (enterprises) shares; violating daily discipline; using the convenience of their positions to obtain benefits for others to illegally receive huge amounts of property; they have suffered a major loss of public property.

Bao Bingzhang seriously violated the party's discipline, constituted seriously illegal positions and suspected of accepting bribery and abuse of authority. He did not converge, do not close his hands after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and had a serious nature. It should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Action Regulations of the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Republic of China, and the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China Public Officials' Public Officer's Public Officials, etc., after studying and reporting to the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China by the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to give Bao Bingzhang to expel the party.Give it to the expedition to public office; seize the income of disciplinary violations; transfer it to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute the prosecutor's organs in accordance with the law.

On January 25 this year, Bao Bingzhang was investigated.

Public resumes show that Bao Bingzhang, male, born in November 1963, Han nationality, Zhejiang Yixian County, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the work in August 1985.

He was the director of the president of Shanghai Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd., Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sino -US Shanghai Shi Guibao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and executive vice president of the Antibiotic Division of Shanghai Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.

In 2006, Bao Bingzhang served as the deputy head of the Xuhui District, in 2011 as the Standing Committee of the Xuhui District Party Committee and Deputy District Chief, the mayor of Xuhui District in 2014, and the secretary of the Xuhui District Committee in July 2016.

In August 2021, Bao Bingzhang served as the party secretary and executive deputy director of the Shanghai Hongqiao Business District Management Committee. In January 2023, he served as the Standing Committee of the 14th Shanghai CPPCC.The executive deputy director of the committee was investigated.