Hong Junyi, mayor of Daegu City, South Korea, met with the Chinese ambassador to South Korea, Xing Haiming said that he hopes that China can give a pair of giant pandas.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the meeting was held on Friday (May 31). This is the first visit to Daegu since Xing Haiming's newly visited Daegu.

Hong Junyi told Xing Haiming that he hoped that he would give giant pandas through Daegu in the middle direction, promote the improvement of Korean -China relations, increase the understanding of Korean citizens' understanding of China, and shorten the distance between the two countries.

Xing Haiming said that the above proposal will be conveyed to the Chinese government, and in the future, it will continue to actively support Daegu and China to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and China News Agency have previously reported that Washington National Zoo local time announced on Wednesday (May 29) that the end of this year will usher in two giant pandas, namelyThe male panda "Baoli" and the female giant panda "Qingbao".

According to Reuters, a pair of giant pandas from Chengdu, China, officially entered the Madrid Zoo in Spain on Thursday (May 30) after one month of isolation.