Edit 丨 Dong Xin

According to the news client, on the morning of May 31, the tenth session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Zhejiang Province was reviewed and voted to decide that Zhang Zhenfeng was the deputy governor of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government.

Public resumes show that Zhang Zhenfeng was born in November 1968, from Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

He has worked in Zhejiang Province for many years. He used to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaoshan District Committee of Hangzhou, Mayor Lin'an City, Secretary of the Lin'an Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary -General of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Hangzhou Discipline Inspection Commission, etc.The Secretary of the District Party Committee (the adjustment of some administrative districts in Hangzhou in 2021, the removal of Yuhang District, and the establishment of the new Yuhang District).

On June 29, 2021, Zhang Zhenfeng was awarded the title of "Secretary of the National Outstanding County Party Committee".In November of that year, he was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. In December of the same year, he served as the mayor of Wenzhou.

In April 2022, Zhang Zhenfeng served as the mayor of Wenzhou City, and in November 2023, he served as Secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee.