Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, who interviewed in Spain, said that China hopes to properly handle the economic and trade friction with the EU through dialogue and negotiate to avoid friction and out of control., Strongly safeguard the presence of Chinese enterprises.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Wang Wentao hosted a round table for Chinese -funded Chinese -funded enterprises in Barcelona, ​​Spain on Saturday (June 1) local time.

Wang Wentao pointed out that Spain has made a positive contribution to the economic and social development of the Western economic and social development of China, and must fully understand the significance of deepening Chinese and Western economic and trade cooperation, actively carry out investment and trade cooperation, and serve as China and the West.Comprehensive strategic partnership continues to inject economic and trade capacity.

Wang Wentao said that recently the EU has recently used tools such as trade relief, international procurement tools, foreign subsidy regulations, etc.China Electric Vehicle, Railway locomotive, photovoltaic, wind power, security inspection, medical equipment and other products launched surveys, which continued to increase the risk of Sino -European economic and trade friction.

Wang Wentao said that in accordance with the important consensus reached by the recent meeting of the three leaders of the Chinese and French and European leaders, China hopes to properly handle economic and trade frictions through dialogue and negotiation, take care of the reasonable concern of both parties, and avoid the escalation of trade frictions.If European dialects are different, they will continue to take all necessary measures for Chinese companies to strengthen the legitimate interests of Chinese companies.

In recent months, EU leaders have repeatedly criticized Chinese cheap products that have exported a large number of exports to threatened European employment. The European Union has also carried out anti -subsidy surveys on Chinese electric vehicles, steel, wind turbines and other products to determineWhether to impose punitive tariffs on China.