A little boy said that his dream was "the president of China Agricultural Development Bank" and "inheriting our home property" video recently caused heated discussion.It is said that the actual situation is not as mentioned in the video, and the bank is also verifying the situation.

Comprehensive surging news, Red Star News, and CSI.com, on Wednesday (April 3), a video of a little boy said his dream of his dreams that caused public attention.In the video, the little boy said, "I want to be the president of China Agricultural Development Bank to inherit my father. Because my grandpa is the president of the Chinese Agricultural Development Bank, my mother is the vice president of China Agricultural Development Bank, so I am meWant to inherit our family property. "

In the video screen, the electronic screen behind the little boy reads the requirements of a sentence pattern, and the corresponding sentence is" I want to ______ when I grow up.______, so ______.The job is to avoid the relationship between husband and wife, direct blood relationships, blood relatives within the three generations, and near -marriage relationships.

If the grandfather of the boy involved is the president and the mother is the vice president, you need to find out whether he is really in the same unit and whether he is in violation of the principle of evasion of his relatives.If there is any violation of regulations and discipline, it is necessary to deal with it seriously according to regulations.

After the video spreads through the Internet, public opinion is aggressive.Some netizens believe that this is just the child's childhood words, and some netizens believe that the problems reflected by this passage are suffocating and should be checked in a carpet.Some netizens said, "The avoidance system is just formalism. When children grow up, they can go to other rows to be presidents."

A staff member of the Circuit of the Agricultural Issuance Discipline Inspection Commission said that the incident said that the bank's disciplinary committee has paid attention to the incident.If the discipline of bank management is involved, it will definitely deal with it according to law.

Relevant staff of agricultural distribution also responded, "This is the child of a branch of a branch, not as the video said in the video. The family is the president.It has been retired for nearly 20 years, and his mother is an ordinary cadre.

The official website of Agricultural Distribution shows that the bank was established in 1994. It is a state -owned policy bank that has funded China, the leadership of the State Council, supports the sustainable and healthy development of agriculture and rural areas, and has an independent legal person.Its main task is based on national credit, based on the market, raised support of agricultural funds, supports the development of the "agriculture, rural areas", and play a role in national strategic support.