Tang Yijun, the former Minister of Justice, who retired from the second line more than a year ago, confirmed that he was investigated, marking that his hope of "safe landing" was out of time.

Tang Yijun became the 17th "tiger" won by the senior management this year -the deputy department or above level of corruption was high, and the second place was a major member of the ministry.Including Tang Yijun, since the 2022 Communist Party of China in 2022, there have been five senior officials who have been investigated.

The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China and the website of the China State Supervision Commission on Tuesday (April 2) announced that the Tang army was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation.Before his dismissal, his position was the party secretary and chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference.

Tang Yijun was investigated in fact.In mid -January 2023, shortly after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Tang Yi army left the key position of Minister of Justice and transferred to Jiangxi as the chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference.At that time, he was only 62 years old. He was still three years behind the retirement age of the main level. However, he was transferred to the local CPPCC, which was equivalent to retreating to the second line in advance, which has foreshadow his prospects.

The more critical signal was that when the Twenty of the Communist Party of China closed on October 22, 2022, the Tang army as the Minister of Justice and the 19th Central Alternate member of the Tang Dynasty was selected as a new member of the Central Committee.Looking back today, it is likely that the problems involved in Tang Yijun were exposed before the 20th National Congress. He was then transferred by the high -level political and legal system. After a public investigation, he had solid evidence to publicize it.

Because of the positions and places that Tang Yijun worked in, there were many accidents in which location he had. At present, there are only a variety of inferences and speculations in the outside world, and there is no answer.

Tang Yijun entered Beijing in April 2020 and replaced Fu Zhenghua as the Minister of Justice. Fu Zhenghua was first transferred to a "idle difference" for one year.The official announcement was checked.Fu Zhenghua's former Minister of Justice Wu Aiying was expelled from the party in 2017.In the past eight years, the Ministry of Justice has been investigated and punished, so this position is regarded as "high -risk positions."

However, the Lord of the Tang army has not been in charge of the Ministry of Justice for a long time. In less than three years, he and Fu Zhenghua's case are not implicated, so his main problem is not estimated to occur during the period of the Ministry of Justice.

Before working in the Ministry of Justice, Tang Yijun served as the governor of Liaoning Province, and had previously worked in Zhejiang for 40 years.His career is quite dramatic, and he has been promoted more than once. This kind of political process is really rare in the Chinese officialdom.

In the early years of Tang Yijun, he served as the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee.In 2005, the 45 -year -old Tang Yijun ushered in an important leap forward and was transferred to Ningbo, the economic and political town of Zhejiang, and served as deputy secretary of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission.

However, in 2011, Tang Yijun was suddenly put in the second -tier position of the Chairman of the Ningbo CPPCC.In another five years, Tang Yijun has been frequently replaced and promoted frequently.At that time, Lu Ziyue, the mayor of Ningbo, was dismissed. Liu Qi, then the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, was transferred. Tang Yijun took over as deputy secretary and mayor of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee in May 2016. After three months, he was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee.The month was promoted to the deputy secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee.By October 2017, when Tang Yijun left the north of Zhejiang, his position was deputy secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee.In January 2018, Tang Yijun served as the governor of Liaoning Province and two years later as the Minister of Justice.

Zhejiang's experience in Zhejiang has made Tang Yijun be regarded as one of the high backgrounds in Zhejiang.The long -term work experience in Ningbo has allowed the outside world to associate him with the former Ningbo officials who have been in recent years.href = "https://www.zaobao.com.sg/realtime/China/story20230725-1417363" rel = nofolow target = _blank> Zhou Jiangyong .The public resume shows that Tang Yijun and Zhou Jiangyong have worked in Ningbo for several years in the same period, but their posts have not intersect too much.

After Tang Yijun's dismissal, his rare career experience attracted attention again. The outside world speculated who was his Bole, and someone focused on one of the old leaders of Tang Yijun Liu Feng.Liu Feng worked in Qinghai in the 1960s. In the 1980s, he served as deputy secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of the Xining Municipal Party Committee, the mayor, and the mayor.

It is said that when the youth Tang Yijun became a secretary in the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, the main service target was Liu Feng.Some public opinion believes that Liu Feng once appreciated and pulled the Tang army, and then speculated to trace Liu Feng's experience based on this. It is speculated that who has the power to help him at the key nodes of Tang Yijun's career.

This topic is attractive, but it is not so important, because the plot of Tang Yijun's serious violation of discipline and law is believed. The Chinese media Caixin reported that Tang Yijun involved economic issues during the Liaoning period of the main administration, which was related to Evergrande.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, Chinese senior executives have repeatedly demonstrated a high -pressure situation of zero tolerance for corruption.

It is worth paying attention to that the high -drying and being investigated and punished in recent years has continued to rise.Official data show that in 2021, there were 25 central management sides of the central management, 32 in 2022, more than 40 in 2023, and only 17 in three months this year.

The number of high -drying people has continued to rise. From the front, it is a warning message to cadres, warning that all cadres must always be vigilant; but from the opposite side, this may also allow some cadres to develop fluke. After allThe strength is limited, and the corrupt officials are not clean regardless of the stock or increase, and they can't be grasped. Will they have the idea of ​​gambling?