The scale of the 7.3 strong earthquake in Taiwan (3rd) in Taiwan today (3rd), a serious disaster in Hualien, located in the epicenter.According to Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" report, the Taiwan "Fire Department" has statistics as of 2 pm, and at present, 77 people have accumulated 7 deaths in Taiwan, 77 people who have been trapped in Hualien County, and all counties and cities in Taiwan.Both have sent special search teams to rush to Hualien rescue.

According to the statistics of the Hualien Fire Bureau, the deaths of the death are the Taroko Caren Trail; the woman named He was born in 1949, the woman named Su in 1960, the woman named Chen in 1960, the woman named Yu (engineer) born in 1980; Huide Tunnel: The man named Zhang was born in 1993; the 9 county and Pingxuan: The man named Wu was born in 1978; He Ren Mining Area: The man named Li was born in 1958 and a total of 7 people died.

It is understood that the worst location of casualties occurred in the Karen Trail in Taroko Park, Hualien.Some tourists encountered an earthquake when 7 people hiked, and they were hit by the falling stone, causing 3 deaths and 1 injury. The rescue team first escorted the wounded to the mountain to seek medical treatment.At present, the Popular Trail 1.8K collapse, and 12 tourists are trapped.

At present, Hualien County, Taoyuan City, Yilan County, and the New Taipei City Government Disaster Response Center are opened first; Keelung City and Taichung City are opened in secondary; Hsinchu County, Changhua County, Nantou County, Yunlin County, Chiayi County,Hsinchu City, Chiayi City, and Tainan City are open for three levels.

In addition, according to Taiwan's "United News Network" report, the Tianwangxing Building on the 9th floor of Xuanyuan Road, Hualien City was seriously tilted. Under the special search team rescue in the morning, six trapped residents were smoothly out of trouble.For a time, the three people in the basement were trapped, and Xu Zhenwei, the head of Hualien County, clarified that the public notified that someone was trapped, and then the three people were notified that the three people had come out and did not in the basement.At present, one person still lost contact. A woman named Kang had escaped and suspected to return to save the rabbit. The search team continued to find it.

Xu Zhenwei said that at present, the situation of 43 houses is very serious, with 4 most serious, of which all three people have evacuated and rescued.The remaining 6 people rescued 6 people, and now one of the left is in it, and the signs of life are unclear.At first, she went up and wanted to get things again. After that, she did not contact. Now she keeps liaison and continues to search.

Xu Zhenwei explained that foreign transportation, the Dahua Highway Daqingshui Bridge has broken, the entire Suhua Iron Highway is not through; the earth and rocks of the north and south of the north and south of the Nijizaki road in the Taiwan 11 are not available. If you want to return to FengbinThe Guangfeng Highway is driving; the Taiwan 8 line is not available.As for the wounded, 98 people were injured and sent to Tzu Chi Hospital, Menno Hospital, Hualien Hospital.(Straits Herald reporter Lin Jingxian compiled reports)