The world's largest photovoltaic company Longji Green Technology Energy Corporation said that the fierce competition sweeping the Chinese solar industry has led many companies to lose money and decline in production quality.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Tencent reported that Zhong Bao Shen, chairman of Longji Green Energy, said on Friday (March 29) at the "Energy Low Carbon Transformation" sub -forum at the Boao Forum forum 2024The industry was very powerful, the price decreased very fast. Many companies suffered losses, and even the phenomenon of sacrificing product quality in enterprises. "This is a dangerous signal."

He said that some companies launch products without sufficient testing, and do not fully understand what these photovoltaic products will change in the service life of 20 to 30 years.Appeared".

Zhong Baoshen also called on other major economies to avoid destroying global free trade.He said that free trade is still necessary to maintain low clean energy costs and promote global energy transformation.

He said that the company understands the necessity of developing the local manufacturing industry in each country and region, but governments of various countries should regard this issue as a theme of local employment, instead of using the so -called supply chain risk as a guise as the guiseTo cover up the real agenda.

Bloomberg said that China has always dominated the global photovoltaic industry, but the rapid expansion of many years has led to severe production capacity, and the entire industry is difficult to deal with the problem of excess capacity, industry integration, and possible bankruptcy problems.As the price of solar panels fell to a record low, enterprises were forced to lower production costs or sell solar panels at lower prices.

Earlier, Longji has announced a 5%employee.