China's medical anti -corruption storm continues, and Tian Wei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the former dean of Jishuantan Hospital, reportedly was taken away for investigation for suspected corruption.

Economic Observation Network quoted multiple authoritative sources reports that Tian Wei was taken away for investigation on March 12 this year for suspected corruption.

Many people in the medical industry said that Tian Wei has a huge influence in the field of orthopedics and is one of the most famous experts in this subdivided discipline.

People close to the investigation of the case said that before the Spring Festival, the supervision department of the Discipline Inspection Commission had evaluated whether to take away the investigation Tian Wei, and "eventually decided to catch him."The person said that Tian Wei was investigated and was a "iconic case" in the field of anti -corruption in China.

China has launched medical anti -corruption since last year, and 10 departments such as the National Health and Health Commission jointly held a meeting on July 21 last year to deploy a one -year centralized rectification work of corruption in the national pharmaceutical field.Among the medical systems at all levels, a large number of public officials, hospital executives, and senior drug companies were investigated.This year's anti -corruption high -pressure situation has not diminished, and the former director of the Provincial Medical Security Bureau has been dismissed.

Public information shows that Tian Wei was born in Beijing in February 1959 and graduated from Beijing Medical College (now the Ministry of Medicine of Peking University) in 1983; he received a PhD in medical degree from the National Hongqian University in Japan in 1994; after returning to China in 1995, he returned to China in 1995He served as the deputy dean of Beijing Jishoutan Hospital; in 1997, he established spinal surgery at Jishui Tan Hospital in Beijing and served as the director of spine surgery.

From 2003 to August 2020, Tian Wei served as Deputy Secretary and Dean of the Party Committee and Dean of Beijing Jishoutan Hospital; in 2017, he served as the director of the Beijing Key Laboratory of Orthopedics Robotics Technology. He was elected as a Beijing scholar in September; in 2018Elected as a foreign academician of the French Academy of Medical Sciences; in 2019, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Engineering is China's highest academic honor.

China CCTV once interviewed the party as a medical interview with the party. Tian Wei described in the program how the orthopedic navigation robots independently developed by China shocked the world.