Hong Kong media quoted sources reported that Wang Qingxian, the governor of Anhui, will serve as the deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the State Council Information Office.

Sun Yeli, deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department and director of the Journalism Office of the State Council, served as the Minister of Culture and Tourism at the end of last year.Deputy Minister and Director of the News Office of the State Council, and in charge of foreign publicity work.

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on January 31, and the meeting "also studied other matters."The report quoted the news that "the high -level personnel affairs", Wang Qingxian was determined to serve as the director of the National New Office; the report also said that the news of Wang Qingxian's work in charge of Beijing's supervisor has been circulated for a while.Rich resume.

Public information shows that Wang Qingxian was born in July 1963. Hebei Yongnian, graduate degree, Ph.D. in economics.

Wang Qingxian entered Heilongjiang Daily as a journalist after graduating from the Department of Philosophy of Nankai University in 1983, and then entered the postgraduate course of the Department of Journalism of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.In 1996, he served as the deputy editor -in -chief of China Reform News (deputy division level), and was transferred to the editor -in -chief of China Information Newspaper four years later.

In September 2004, Wang Qingxian left the media to enter the career and served as the deputy secretary -general and director of the research office of the Shanxi Provincial Government.The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, promoted to the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda in 2016.

In November 2017, Wang Qingxian was transferred to Shandong, served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of Propaganda. After half a year, he was renamed the Secretary -General of the Provincial Party Committee. In January 2019, he served as Secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee.

In January 2021, Wang Qingxian once again performed a new provincial performance.