Li Yunze, director of the National Financial Supervision Bureau, said that China will not change the direction of providing a better business environment for foreign investment, and the door to open the financial industry will be bigger and bigger.

According to Reuters, Li Yunze said on the opening ceremony of the Asian Financial Forum on Wednesday (January 24) at the opening ceremony of the Asian Financial Forum in Hong Kong.The guarantee of legitimate rights and interests will not change, and the direction of providing a better business environment for foreign investment will not change. The door of the financial industry will open to the outside world.

Li Yunze said that in the next step, mainland China will continue to continue to introduce and go global, steadily expand institutional openness, study a group of financial open measures with amplification, stabilization, and quality.Exhibition industry and prosperity.

In addition, Li Yunze also said that it will support the business scope of further expanding the business scope of the Hong Kong and Macao Bank's mainland branches, actively explore the research of bank cards such as the Hong Kong and Macao Bank of the Macao Bank of China, in accordance with the consistent principles of internal and external internal and external principles, research and reduce Hong Kong and Macao financial institutions to participate in the mainland insurance company.Barriers to entry.

The Chinese stock market has continued to weaken this year. The Shanghai Index fell below 2800 points. The HSI fell below 15,000 points on Monday, a new low of 14 months.

Li Yunze said that this year's economic development has faced some difficulties and challenges, but it should be seen that the economic development of mainland China is thick and the economic growth is full of vitality. In particular, the macro policy space is large.In unfavorable factors.