(Guizhou Comprehensive News) The anti -corruption film broadcast by China's official revealed that a horse officer in Guizhou Province had implemented military management of cadres in the county to train cadres' obedience.

The Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Communist Party of China broadcast a special film on Friday (January 19).

Local cadres disclosed in the film that during the period of Mao Youwan Jinping County Party Secretary, he had implemented military management of cadres in the county and requested that all cadres who were under 45 years old got up at 7 am every day.And the political and legal team carried out the "Politics and Law Parade".

In addition, Mao Youzhi also arranged for the local county party committee to make a promotional video for him, and created a "top -level work promotion group" with more than 400 people, asking the cadres in the group to take his work scene into the group.

Public information shows that Mao Youzhi is 55 years old. After working for many years at the Guizhou Provincial Hydropower Bureau and the Water Conservancy System, he served as Secretary of the Jinping County Party Committee in 2017;, July was "double -opening" (expels the party and public office).

Guizhou Province's inspection agency filed a public prosecution on Mao Yizhi in October last year. The case had been in the first trial in November last year.According to the allegations of the prosecutor, Mao Youzhi took advantage of his duties from 2001 to 2022, and illegally received 15.75 million yuan (S $ 3 million) illegally.Mao Youzhi expressed his confession.

The Beijing News posted a comment on Saturday (20th) that Mao Youzhi made new tricks as a "first leader" as a local "first leader" and became a "one hand" for a lot of privileges.His case shows that the leading cadres who have a bit of power to be willful, sooner or later, it is difficult to escape the sanctions of the party's discipline and state law.