Our reporter Hao Cheng Lu Liang reported

Using bank flow records, reporting the retirement director will be returned by the enterprise, and the woman is then pursued by the Internet. The matter involved was to destroy the kindergarten door that he opened, causing the amount of losses to be 1805 yuan.Relatives said the women's retirement director's "cardholder".

On January 21, 2024, a reporter from China Business Daily verified from the local police that Li Caixia was pursued by the pursuit of matters and amounts.When involving the case of the Haili Corporation Li Zenghu, it was invested by the enterprise and others to retire 1.59 million yuan to the County Discipline Inspection Commission.

It is understood that Li Caixia and Gao Qing have economic disputes and have a girlfriend with Gao Qing's daughter Gao Congmin, and have partnered to do business.However, in 2023, due to the dispute between the two sides, the two sides reported each other, but the police did not accept it at that time.On the day of the report of Li Caixia's public report, the police issued a pursuit of Li Caixia on the day of the media report.

Relevant personnel of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Wenshui County told reporters that the investigation has been investigated and transferred to other departments, but he refused to disclose specific details.Police denied that the pursuit of the escape department also acknowledged that Gao Qing had repeatedly reported to the police that he hoped to take measures against Li Caixia.

Relatives said that since 2015, Li Caixia has opened multiple cards for Gao Qing's father and daughter, and banks flowing water and other materials show that there are many well -known breeding companies.

Retired cadres were reported by the "card opening"

Many parties confirmed that Li Caixia and Gao Qing's daughter Gao Congmin were classmates in junior high schools and classmates in the same grade of technical secondary school. The two were "girlfriends".Relatives and friends said that after graduating from technical secondary school, Li Caixia started her own business, and Gao Congmin entered the National Taxation Bureau of his father as the director.Later, Li Caixia and Gao Congmin have cooperated with a beauty salon and a kindergarten called "One Private".

In cooperation between the two parties, Li Caixia's real estate is the beauty salon, while "a private school" uses the real estate of Gao Congmin's father Gao Qing.However, in the process of cooperation, the two parties have not talked about rent and have not actually paid the rent.The cooperation model is Li Caixia's investment and management, and Gao Congmin is responsible for pulling customers.

Among them, Li Caixia also acknowledged that there should be about 1 million yuan in common profitability.The contradiction appeared in the projects that appeared in the later period of both parties -Gao Congmin introduced Zhang Teng and Chen Hao, and established a WeChat group of four people, planning to sell Moutai, delivery to gas stations, purchasing office supplies for a certain office, etc.And to invest in Zhang Teng's Huiyi House KTV.

But Zhang Teng was caught in March 2023 for fraud, and the police also released clues.The implementation of multiple fraud crimes in Wenshui County will cause bad effects. "

Before the incident, Li Caixia said that under the instructions of Gao Congmin, she mortgaged with her own real estate and other borroweds from banks and civilians.Yuan.Li Caixia's relatives said that this process has WeChat chat records, which can prove that Gao Congmin instructed Li Caixia to operate.

Relatives said that in addition to this, Li Caixia played the role of the "cardholder" of Gao Qing and Gao Congmin's father and daughter for a long time -from 2015, Li Caixia will be at CITIC Bank, Agricultural Bank, PostalSavings, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and Construction Bank opened their cards separately, and they also pulled a lot of relatives to open the cards to open dozens of bank cards for Gao Qing, Gao Congmin's father and daughter for a long time.

These cards are initially sorted out by relatives and friends, that is, they find that the amount of accounts will be as high as more than 30 million yuan, and some of them will directly call the payment. The amount will be hundreds of thousandEnterprises, as well as well -known leading pharmaceutical companies in Shanxi.Both companies have also planned to go public.

What is more exaggerated is that Li Caixia provided a bank flow report that in July 2020, Gao Qing had to retire 1.59 million yuan from the disciplinary commission for the famous Hywe Group Li Zenghu case.Personally, I personally hit Li Caixia's CITIC Bank account, and then called the Discipline Inspection Commission's special account.In Li Caixia's public report letter, she also pointed out with specific evidence that Gao Congmin did not go to work to eat empty for the year, and signed a shareholding agreement with relevant companies.

The reporter learned from the local area that the 1.59 million yuan involved in the case of Li Zenghu's case originated from the name of Haiwei Group in the name of his wife, son, and linked relatives, and the dividend profit was 1.18 million yuan.He came to 100,000 yuan, and the purchase of houses received 300,000 yuan in 2006, and his son had a wedding gift of 10,000 yuan.

The local internal notification stated that when Gao Qing served as the director of the IRS, it provided convenience to a trading company under the Haili Group, which caused the company to pay less taxes and the amount was huge.Nian, reducing retirement benefits and other punishments.According to the information published by the Supreme Procuratorate, Fan Baosen, the former director of the local tax bureau, was sentenced to eight years of prison for not levying and levying taxes, which became the "first case" of the National Tax Director.

Public prosecution says that Fan Baosen provided convenience to Hywe from January 2007 to April 2018, leading to the owed real estate tax, urban construction and maintenance tax, stamp tax, urban land use tax, corporate income tax and other taxes 4714 471410,000 yuan.

He was pursued for loss of 1805 yuan

Before the incident of the Zhang Teng case, Gao Congmin continued to repay the loan from banks and civilians, but after the incident of Zhang Teng, Gao Congmin lost contact and refused to repay, causing a large number of creditors to directly find Li Caixia to ask for money -Li Caixia is theThe signatures of these borrowings.Li Caixia borrowed money in Dongpin and began to pay for Gao Congmin. The monthly interest was as high as 100,000 yuan.

Because Gao Congmin refused to come forward to solve the problem, Li Caixia began to report to the police and the Discipline Inspection Commission.Subsequently, Gao Qing came forward that his real estate leased to "Yidi private" had been sold. He wanted to take the property and asked Li Caixia for rent, heating fee and sofa.

"After Gao Qing complained to the court, the court talked about it. After a while, Gao Qing said that the total rent was 50,000 yuan, and the heating fee was increased. After a while, he said that the sofa in the kindergarten was when he got married.At that time, they went to the kindergarten to make trouble, and the kindergarten could not be opened and moved away.

The reporter learned from the local police that the two sides had called each other, mainly because Li Caixia accused Gao Qing of locking the kindergarten without permission, and even caused a teacher to be locked inside.Lock damage.

"Gao Qing should have been locked three times. Li Caixia puented open the door. In the last time, the police went to Li Caixia in the middle of the night and put it back at 3 am." Relatives said that Li Caixia reported Gao Qing and Gao Congmin.After the father and daughter incident, on the same day, the local police pursued Li Caixia.

The reporter verified from the local police that the reason for Li Caixia's escape was related to the prying lock. The police reported that the police said that the rolling door and door locks of the kindergarten caused damage, and the loss was 1805 yuan after verification."Li Caixia said that this rolling curtain door was actually installed by Li Caixia. What does this have to do with Gao Qing?" Relatives said.

It is understood that in June 2023, Gao Qing had commissioned a lawyer to send a lawyer to Li Caixia, saying that Gao Qing had sold the house to Chen Moumou, and asked Li Caixia to relieve the lease contract.At the end of August, a number of family members of Gao Qing went to kindergarten. When they picked up their children in the morning and evening, they distributed information to their parents, saying that they would take back the kindergarten house.

After the school started on September 1 of that year, Gao Qing's relatives and friends continued to go to kindergarten to block the doors, lock doors, power off, break the water, and report to the Education Bureau, Industry and Commerce and other departments.On the night of September, Gao Qing sent people to lock the kindergarten door, making a young female teacher in it unable to go out.

On September 6, 2023, at the entrance of the Wenshui State Taxation Bureau, many people held the writing "The Director of the State Taxation Bureau Gao Qingzhang's private fraud and bribery", "Gao Congmin participated in the fraudulent Xiaoyao Law", "Human Resources Department Gao Congjie stole the results of the college entrance examination of others"waitStandards gather activities.Gao Qing suspected that Li Caixia instructed, and Li Caixia's relatives said that in fact, there was another person in this matter. Li Caixia was completely unaware.

September 12, so the police said before, the police said that it was an economic dispute, and Li Caixia opened the locked door.In the middle of the night, after Gao Qing called the police, the police moved rapidly. On the grounds of destroying the property of others, Li Caixia brought Li Caixia to the sending station for three hours to make a transcript until 3 am.

After that, Gao Qing went to the Public Security Bureau almost every day, asking the police to severely punish Li Caixia who "slandered" him and entered the legal procedure as soon as possible.It even said that the case -handling person will not reflect the case.On October 24, 2023, the Wenshui County Public Security Bureau will detain seven people who have previously participated in the gathering activities. Police revealed that these people did have nothing to do with Li Caixia.

Xu Hao, a senior partner of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, said that the intentional destruction of property in the criminal law refers to a crime that deliberately destroyed the property to destroy or damage the public and private property."The standard for the crime of intentional destruction of property is that the loss of public and private property is more than 5,000 yuan; the economic loss caused by the identified in this case is only 1805 yuan, which is obviously not in line with the standard for the case."

In this matter, Xu Hao believes that the behavior of Gao Qing's lock door has caused kindergartens to be unable to attend classes. Li Caixia prys the door and belongs to self -relief. It only needs to bear civil compensation liability and does not constitute criminal crimes.The police intervened in chase and obviously lacked a legal basis.

(Editor: Meng Qingwei School Division: Yan Jingning)