The Hong Kong South China Morning Post website published an article entitled Beijing on January 15 entitled Beijing through trade and cooperation to unveil the "Chinese threat" lies. The author is Liang Jianbang.Article excerpts as follows:

Although the US President Biden recently showed a friendly attitude towards Beijing, the upcoming U.S. presidential election will definitely strengthen the concept of "Chinese threat", because the two major political parties in the United States often try to attack more violently than each other during the campaign period than each other.China.Books sold by Western media and bookstores are also filled with various discredit narratives of China.

Political scholar Joseph Solis-Marlen's false Chinese threat and their very real danger have refuted these allegations.He listed a series of works that warned "Chinese threats" and pointed out that their authors belong to the powerful US or their allies think tanks, and as we all know, some think tanks have received a lot of funding from US military engineering composite.

China is strengthening measures to solve some problems that really affect its relationship with Western relations, such as more market access, fair competitive environment and intellectual property protection, and create a "marketization, rule of law, and internationalization of first -class business environment"" ".

Foreigners are welcomed in China, including international students.Alipay recently cooperated with tourist service providers to launch a Chinese tourist package for international tourists.The Chinese government is promoting Xinjiang as a tourist destination.The more foreigners visiting Xinjiang, the more the world can see through the Western -made lie.

In the final analysis, the most important question in international relations is who the economic and people's livelihood and development of various countries depend on.According to data from the Roy Research Institute, by 2018, among 190 countries around the world, China has become a larger trading partner in 128 countries than the United States.China is also the center of the world's largest country and the world's global supply chain and value chain.

In October 2023, representatives of more than 150 countries attended the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum held in Beijing.China promises to build a multi -dimensional, high -quality, green, and honest "Belt and Road" initiative to benefit every participant.

China is a BRICS country, and more than 40 countries have expressed their interest in joining the BRICS cooperation mechanism.Similarly, more and more countries have joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization founded by China and Russia, which covers more than 40%of the world's population.

Under the guidance of global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative, China is actively promoting global peace and development.We will think of the historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as China ’s diplomatic role in calling for the resolution of the Ukrainian war and the Gaza humanitarian crisis.

China is showing the world with its actions and achievements that China's role is not a "threat", but one of the solutions to realize the common prosperity of human beings.

(Compilation/Qing Songzhu)