Duan Chongzhi, the president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, announced his resignation and left in January next year.Mai Meijuan, the director of the Hong Kong Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau, and the alumni of Hong Kong, said on Wednesday (January 10) that the most important thing is that any personnel change will not affect the student's learning.At the university, a group of enthusiastic scholars are responsible for student education. They will not affect teaching or student learning due to personnel changes.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Mai Meijuan was asked when Duan Chongzhi announced the above statement when he announced his resignation. She added that this was the attitude of the master and student in the face of the incident.

For the president of the University of China, Mai Meijuan said that as an alumni, she hopes that the school will develop in a good direction and cultivate an excellent younger generation. She emphasizes that universities are a critical period for young people to pursue their lives.Students have a good study environment and campus life.

Mai Meijuan also said that the Legislative Council passed the amendment of the school board and entered a new year after the reform. It is believed that it will bring a new start to Chinese University students.The same goal of teachers and professors.

此外,香港元朗瑞华小区关爱队营运团体日前终止服务,After the first case of the Care Team, Zhou Yongqin, the captain and former member of the Yuanlang District, said that due to the failure to obtain the "blessing" candidates, the position of loss was lost, and the resources were not enough to cope with the care team's expenses.

When asked if the above incident would cause the citizen to cause the "Caring Team is the Council of the Council of the Election Area", Mai Meijuan said that serving the community is always a challenging task, and resources are always limited.The caring team must consider how to raise resources from the community and how to mobilize more volunteer service communities.

Mai Meijuan also said that the caring team was established for one year. Many neighborhoods mistakenly thought that the care team was easy to work.The right challenge, she believes that the team members are worthy of respect and support.