The only vice presidential TV in Taiwan election in 2024The debate was held on Monday (January 1) at 2 pm, and the Kuomintang candidate Zhao Shaokang announced immediately during the debate on the debate.

Comprehensive Taiwan media reports, after signing the documents, Zhao Shaokang said that he was waiting for the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde when he dealt with his illegal construction problem, "I have been waiting for Lai Qingde to demolishIllegal construction, I can't wait to wear autumn water. "

Zhao Shaokang also criticized Lai Qingde's illegal Wanli hometown to let more than 20 special service guards illegal ghost houses, and they also helped repair.

Zhao Shaokang also announced on the spot that the vice president is the "head of state". If he is elected, the vice president's salary is not necessary, and the benefits are not available.Young residence, "let everyone draw a lottery (decide to stay), I will pay for water and electricity charges."