In order to make Zhao Peng be "judged", the family members found that Zhang Xuefeng, the fellow villager, "operated" by Wang Xiaowei, Henan fellow Wang Xiaowei.On November 15, 2022, Zhao Peng's sister Zhao Kun brought a loan contract to sign Zhang Xuefeng and his ex -wife Zhao Chunhuan.Before the signature of the two, the contract had the signature and handprint of Ms. Li, the wife of Zhao Peng.The loan contract shows that Ms. Li lent Zhang Xuefeng and Zhao Chunhuan 4.5 million yuan through the designated account, with a loan period of 3 months and did not agree on interest.

After Zhao Chunhuan received the paragraph, he gave Wang Xiaowei's 500,000 yuan "introduction fee" and transferred to the fellow Lu Min of 3 million yuan to handle the matter.

Zhao Peng was arrested before the Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank) Senior deputy manager of Yangcheng Sub -branch. His sister Zhao Kun was the secretary of the party committee and president of Jiangmen Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.He was also transferred to the party committee and deputy governor of Huizhou Branch of Industrial Bank.Zhao Peng was accused of using his position to facilitate bribery of 184 million yuan and issued loans illegally. The loan funds involved in the case were as high as 1.2 billion yuan.After about half a year, Zhao Peng was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Guangzhou Intermediate Court.

Because of its purpose, Zhao Peng's family asked Zhang Xuefeng to return the fee.At this time, Lu Min, the manager, could not be contacted.In August this year, Zhang Xuefeng went to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Jinshui Branch of the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau to report the case, saying that he was deceived by Lu Min.The case is currently being handled.

Zhao Chunhuan said that they had returned 200,000 yuan on July 6 this year. In the same month, Ms. Zhao Peng's wife, Ms. Li, filed a lawsuit with the Xiangzhou District Court of Zhuhai City, asking them to return 4.3 million yuan to borrowing.The case will be tried in Xiangzhou District Court on January 11, 2024.

In response to this, Zhao Kun and Wang Xiaowei refused to be interviewed.

The receipt issued by Lu Min promised that the fee was only used as a special bribery case Zhao Peng's bribery case.EssenceThe pictures of this article are confessed by the interviewees

The deputy manager of the bank was arrested for economic crimes, and his family members were looking for the "activity relationship" of the villagers

The indictment made by the Guangzhou Procuratorate on December 23, 2022 shows that Zhao Peng was born in 1978 and is a senior deputy manager of Yangcheng Sub -branch of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.In November 2019, Zhao Peng was sentenced to criminal punishment by the Guangzhou Haizhu District Court of Guangzhou for danger.On April 2, 2022, Zhao Peng was left by the Liwan District Supervision Committee of Guangzhou City for suspected illegal crimes.On September 30 of the same year, Zhao Peng was detained by the Liwan District Public Security Branch.On the same day, the Liwan District Supervisory Commission transferred to the Liwan District Procuratorate for the crime of being suspected of bribery and illegally issuing a loan.The Liwan District Procuratorate reported to the Guangzhou Procuratorate on November 8 of the same year.

Zhao Peng and sister Zhao Kun are from Shangqiu, Henan.After Zhao Peng was arrested, Zhao Kun met Zhang Xuefeng, a Kaifeng from Henan through Wang Xiaowei, a fellow villager.Zhang Xuefeng is 38 years old and has no job. He lives in Shenzhen like Wang Xiaowei.Public information shows that Zhao Kun also worked at the bank at that time.

Zhang Xuefeng's ex -wife Zhao Chunhuan told Peng Mei News that on November 15, 2022, Zhao Kun, Wang Xiaowei and her girlfriend, Zhang Xuefeng and her had 5 people to the clubs opened by Wang Xiaowei in Shenzhen.Under the witness of Wang Xiaowei, she signed a loan contract with Zhang Xuefeng and Zhao Kun.The loan contract shows that Zhao Peng's wife, as Party A, borrowed 4.5 million yuan from Zhang Xuefeng and Zhao Chunhuan, with a loan period of 3 months, from November 15, 2022 to 2022 (note: Writing, 2023) 2 years.On the 15th.The funds are specified by Party A to enter Zhao Chunhuan's bank account.However, the loan contract did not agree on interest.

Zhao Chunhuan said that Ms. Li did not come that day. Before we signed the loan contract, there was already the signature and handprint of Ms. Li on it.

Zhao Chunhuan's WeChat chat screenshot of Zhao Kun and Zhang Xuefeng showed that at 11:58 on the day of the borrowing contract, Zhao Kun added Zhang Xuefeng's WeChat.At 15:30 on the same day, Zhao Kunfa's text information said, "It has been turned", Zhang Xuefeng responded to "I received, sister".

Zhao Chunhuan introduced that Lu Min was from Zhengzhou, Henan. He was a neighbor. He heard that "there is some relationship at home."On November 15, 2022, she signed another contract with Lu Min and Lu Min based on the template of the aforementioned loan contract with Zhao Chunhuan borrowed 3 million yuan from Lu Min.Bank transfer information shows that at 20:30 on the same day, Zhao Chunhuan transferred 3 million yuan to the account designated by Lu Min.Lu Min issued a collection and promised "this model is only for Zhao Peng's bribery case."At 10:46 the next day, Zhao Chunhuan transferred 500,000 yuan to the account designated by Wang Xiaowei.

Zhao Chunhuan said that at this time, Zhao Kun handed Zhang Xuefeng 4.5 million yuan to "work" and distributed: Wang Xiaowei charged 500,000 yuan introduction fee, Lu Min received 3 million yuan of "special funds", and Zhang Xuefeng retained 1 million yuan.

Screenshot of the chat dialogue between Zhao Kun and Zhang Xuefeng.

The middlemen promise to only be less than five years, and even "judge three slow four"

After the money was in place, Zhang Xuefeng, as a middleman, communicated with Zhao Kun and Lu Min to communicate the case.

The screenshot of the WeChat chat between Zhao Kun and Zhang Xuefeng showed that on November 17, 2022, Zhao Kun asked "whether there is a progress", Zhang Xuefeng replied: "I will see the leader tomorrow afternoon, and the phone will not be allowed."Communicate on WeChat many times.On December 7, Zhang Xuefeng said that "the prosecution proposal will be notified as soon as possible."On December 22, Zhao Kun once again told Zhang Xuefeng, "Tomorrow is the time for the prosecution. You must be sure to be there with there, and you will make a hammer to the court and have no look back."Zhang Xuefeng comforts Zhao Kun: "People here also promise us, we just wait for the result, and it will reach the result we want."

However, the progress of things has not developed in the direction of these people.According to the indictment, the prosecutor accused Zhao Peng's convenience of the risk director of the Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank's Shanghai Business Center and the deputy general manager of the Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Credit Approval Department from 2013 to 2021.Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank's application for financing loans to help, and a total of more than 184 million yuan in property organs illegally received by others illegally accepting relevant companies with others; prosecutors also accused Zhao Peng issued 3 loans from 2018 to 2019, involving loan funds involving loan funds1.2 billion yuan.The Guangzhou Procuratorate believes that Zhao Peng is a national staff and uses the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepts the property of others.The amount of loans is particularly huge and shall be held criminally responsible for the crime of issuing loans in illegal issuance.

Although the content of the prosecution and the amount involved did not change, Zhao Kun chose to continue to believe Zhang Xuefeng and Lu Min.On January 12, 2023, Zhao Kun said that the case had been assigned to the judge, and asked Zhang Xuefeng to the next arrangement.At this time, Zhang Xuefeng still packed Zhao Kun: "Both have been arranged, and the prosecutors and judges have passed it. According to our expected goals! The results have been set, just rest assured!"Zhao Kun asked again: "Determine it under 5 years?" Zhang Xuefeng said, "It will not change in five years." On April 21, Zhao Kun asked again if he was within 5 years. Zhang Xuefeng said, "The worst result is less than seven years."

By May 5th, Zhao Kun began to shake.He questioned Zhang XuefengWhether you are looking for the ability, don't delay the matter.Zhang Xuefeng told Zhao Kun that Lu Min said that there is a great hope that he can "judge three slowly and four". Before June 1st, Zhao Peng can be guaranteed.

Civil loan litigation requests to refund the "handling fee"

However, the follow -up situation is not possible, and it is impossible to develop like Zhang Xuefeng and Lu Min.

According to Chen Yan, a lawyer of a law firm in Chongqing, according to the relevant provisions of my country's criminal law and judgment of the content of the indictment, if Zhao Peng's behavior is eventually identified by the court to form a crime, the amount of bribery alone (as high as 180 million) comes to come (as high as 180 million). See, Zhao Peng's behavior is in line with the standards of the bribes (more than 3 million) or there are other special serious circumstances.If you consider the circumstances such as the crime of loan and the crime of hazardous driving, Zhao Peng cannot be sentenced to probation at all.

On June 12, 2023, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court opened a trial of Zhao Peng's crime of bribery and illegally issuing loans.Zhao Peng not only failed to "come out" before June 1, but even Zhao Kun told Zhang Xuefeng.

At this time, Zhao Kun's work changed: On June 9, Zhao Kun no longer served as the party secretary and president of the Jiangmen Branch of Industrial Bank, and was transferred to the party committee and deputy president of the Huizhou Branch of Industrial Bank.

Zhao Chunhuan said that Zhao Peng was sentenced to 15 years in prison.Because she had no judgment on her hand, she did not know the accurate date of the verdict, but it should be a matter of June and July.

For Zhao Kun, the money was spent, but things were smashed.Zhao Kun began to ask Zhang Xuefeng to refund the money, and Zhang Xuefeng asked Lu Min and Wang Xiaowei to refund the money.On July 6, according to Zhao Kun's request, Zhang Xuefeng transferred 200,000 yuan to Ms. Li's account through Zhao Chunhuan's account.

On the same day, Zhao Kun went to Zhao Chunhuan's house. Under the witness of Wang Xiaowei's friend, he signed a loan contract supplementary agreement with Zhao Chunhuan. The remaining 4.3 million yuan was returned before July 9, and the interest rate was calculated at an annual interest rate of 10%.Zhang Xuefeng was looking for Lu Min in Henan that day, and after returning home, he made up the word on the borrowing contract supplementary agreement.

Because Zhang Xuefeng failed to return 4.3 million yuan before July 9, Ms. Li filed a civil lawsuit with the Xiangzhou District Court of Zhuhai City, asking Zhang Xuefeng and Zhao Chunhuan to return the 4.3 million borrowing principal and interest of more than 290,000 yuan.The surging news was informed that the case will be tried on January 11, 2024.

Due to always unable to contact Lu Min, on August 23, Zhang Xuefeng went to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Jinshui Branch of the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau to report the case, saying that he was deceived by Lu Min, and the police issued a case back to Zhang Xuefeng.Zhao Chunhuan asked the police for the progress of the case on December 19, and the police replied verbally that Lu Min has not yet been found.

China Executive Information Disclosure Network Information shows that Lu Min was listed as the executor of the dishonesty in February 2017 for failing to fulfill the obligations determined by the effective legal document (6 million yuan in repayment of the arrears).

Zhao Chunhuan said that Zhang Xuefeng was detained by the Jinshui Branch of the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau on November 17, 2023 for his suspicion and rules on November 17, 2023.In addition, Wang Xiaowei told her on December 26, 2023 that Wang Xiaowei will return directly to Zhao Kun for the introduction fee of 500,000 yuan.

Surging News Zhao Kun graduated from the Law of China University of Political Science and Law, why did she believe in the so -called "relationship"?The reporter contacted Zhao Kun many times and did not receive its response.In addition, Wang Xiaowei refused to respond to the incident and did not informed that he had returned 500,000 yuan in Zhao Kun.