On the occasion of the Southern China Sea situation, China's official official Tuesday (December 12) held talks with the General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party Ruan Fuzhong.EssenceHowever, the analysis believes that the Sino -Vietnamese territorial disputes have not been resolved, and it is difficult to reach a specific resolution of different consensus.

Chinese official and wife Peng Liyuan arrived in Hanoi on Tuesday afternoon.Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng and other Vietnamese party and government leaders arrived at the scene. The welcome red carpet was paved on the scene, and courtiers were listed on both sides.

Ruan Fuzhong held a welcome ceremony for the official Chinese official in the afternoon of the President's Mansion that afternoon.

At the time of China's official visit to Vietnam, China and the Philippines are in South China in South China in South China.The conflict of the sea continues to rise , and Vietnam is also one of the sovereignty of the south China Islands.

Chinese official on Tuesday, published a signature article in Vietnamese media that China and Vietnam should properly control the differences in maritime and find solutions that both sides can accept.

The written speech published when he arrived in Vietnam said that he was looking forward to in -depth exchanges with the overall, strategic, directional issues and international and regional issues that the leaders of Vietnam and China and Vietnam.

According to Yuetong News Agency, regarding the maritime issues, the two leaders exchanged in -depth and sincere opinions at the meeting, and bluntly emphasized that it is necessaryPeace and stability.

Ruan Fuzhong proposed that the two sides carefully implemented high -level consensus, respecting each other's legitimate, legitimate rights and interests, and did not complicate the situation. By conforming to peaceful means of peaceful means such as the United Nations Marine Law Convention, the dispute was resolved., Promote the formulation of the South China Sea Code that meets the Convention on the United Nations Marine Law.

Nguyen Cong Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung Tung, the Department of East Asia, Taiwan Normal University, pointed out that Vietnamese leaders are reiterating the established principles. After all, the two countries still in the South China Sea dispute.There are fundamental differences, I believe this topic is not the focus of both parties.

In addition, according to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials proposed that with the joint efforts of both parties, Sino -Vietnamese relations will enter political mutual trust, more safe cooperation, deeper mutual benefit cooperation, more public opinion foundation, multilateral coordination and coordination and coordinationMore tight and differentiated control solve the new stage of better.

He emphasized that China has always looked at Sino -Vietnamese relations from a strategic height and long -term perspective, and regarded Vietnam as a priority direction for surrounding diplomacy.

China official also mentioned that it is willing to announce the new positioning of the relationship between China and Vietnam and Vietnam, and on the basis of deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Vietnam, we will work together to build a strategic community of China -Vietnam.

When the US President Biden visited Vietnam in September this year, he announced with Ruan Fuzhong that relations between the two countries have been increased from "comprehensive partnership" to "comprehensive strategic partnership."Vietnam and Japan also announced that the relationship between the two countries has been promoted to "comprehensive strategic partnership."

Ruan Gongsong believes that Beijing wants to promote the upgrading of Sino -Vietnamese relations because it is uneasy about upgrading Vietnam's relationship with the United States and Japan.

But he also mentioned that the official translation of vocabulary in Vietnam is not the "community of destiny", but the "common future". This is because Vietnam has territorial disputes with China, so it has a safe meaning of "community of destiny".Vocabulary still has doubts.

The Vietnamese Research Program Vietnamese Research Planning Scholar Nguyen KHAC GIANG of the Yosov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore said that although Vietnam may be cautious about the political initiative led by China, it is expected that the two parties are in economic cooperation in economic cooperationIt will make progress.

According to Reuters, under the witness of Chinese officials and Ruan Fuzhong, China and Vietnam signed 37 agreements this time, Including cross -border railway development and trade .A reporter who witnessed the signing ceremony revealed that the two countries also agreed to conduct joint patrols in Beibu Gulf.