Wang Qinghua, a member of the former party group and deputy mayor of the Wuhan Municipal Government of Hubei Province, China, was accused of corrupted private morals, erosion of life, pursuing low -level fun, etc., and was double -opened (expels the Communist Party of China and public office).

The official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Monday (December 11) reported the above news.A few days ago, the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted a review and investigation on Wang Qinghua's serious violations of discipline and law.

The report said that Wang Qinghua lost his ideals and beliefs, had no principles of party spirit, did not believe in organizing liar, officials of officials, made political scammers, engaged in political speculation, stringed evidence of blocking, metastasis, and confrontation of organizational review; ignored it.The spirit of the eight central regulations, receiving gifts and gifts in violation of regulations, and receiving banquets and tourism activities arranged by private business owners in violation of the rules; illegal regulations to benefit others and receive property in the work of cadres' selection and appointment and employees.

The notification also pointed out that Wang Qinghua used his power to accept private business owners to provide pick -up services to his family, and paid other units that should have been paid by the individual;Contractive package; private morals are corrupted, life is erosion, pursuing low -level interests; greedy expansion, conspiracy to seek personal gain, use the convenience of duties to make profit in engineering contracting, corporate management, and promotion of positions, and illegally accept huge property.

According to the report, Wang Qinghua seriously violated the CCP's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline and life discipline, constituted serious duties and suspected bribery crimes, and did not converge after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Receive, serious nature and bad impact, should be dealt with seriously.

According to relevant regulations, after studying and reporting to the Hubei Provincial Party Committee for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hubei Province, Wang Tsinghua was expelled from the party; the Hubei Provincial Supervision Commission was expelled from public office;

Public information shows that Wang Qinghua, 51, has served as the Construction Bureau of Wuhan West Lake District, Wuhan Education Bureau, Wuhan Municipal Party Committee Office, Wuhan Price Bureau, etc.Since then, Wang Qinghua has also served as Deputy Secretary, District Chief, and District Party Secretary of the Jiangxia District Party Committee of Wuhan.

Wang Qinghua was reported on June 5 this year.According to the Red Star News report, on June 2, three days ago, Wang Qinghua also participated in the event as the deputy mayor of Wuhan.

According to the above -mentioned news report, in the past five years, there have been six former deputy mayor in Wuhan, of which five have been in 2020.