The National Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Monday (December 11) news, Li Pengxin, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the Communist Party of China, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Essence

Public information shows that Li Pengxin is 63 years old, from Shenchi, Shanxi, graduated from the Central Party School Law theory, and graduate degree of the Central Party School.

Li Pengxin has been working in Qinghai Province for a long time. From the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Cultural Commune Party Committee of the Grand -Duoduo Commune in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, the Communist Party of China to the Secretary of the Communist Youth League Qinghai Provincial Party Committee.Essence

In October 2011, Li Peng was newly transferred to Inner Mongolia and served as member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.Five years later, Li Peng went to Xinjiang across the province to serve as the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the Communist Party of China.Li Pengxin has no longer the deputy secretary of the autonomous region's party committee since 2021.

According to the personnel appointment and removal released by the Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region on January 5 last year, Chen Quanuo, Xu Hairong, Yao Qinghai, Wu Changfu, Zhu Pingjiang, and Aksu selected by Urumqi City selected by Urumqi City selected.Li Pengxin, Zhao Chongjiu selected from Baicheng County, Yang Xin selected from Kizilu Sukirkiz Autonomous Prefecture, Wang Junzheng selected by Bayin Guo Leng Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture, Sun Jun selected by Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Zhao Zhidan selected by the Xinjiang Military Region,Both have been transferred out of this administrative area.

This means that Li Pengxin has left Xinjiang.