Liu Xichang, the former director of the Bank of China Shenyang Audit Supervision Bureau, was accused of "eating banks by banks, managing loans to eat loans", and was expelled from the Communist Party of China.

The official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reported on Monday (December 11) that the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Bank of Communications and the Liaoning Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conductedDisciplinary review and supervision investigation.

The notification stated that Liu Xichang violated political discipline, transferred, and hidden evidence to fight for organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in the interaction with the credit enterprise and management service objectsRepeatedly received gifts that may affect fair execution of official duties and significantly exceed normal gifts, and to borrow off -management and service vehicles and money for free, accepting banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties.

The notification also pointed out that Liu Xichang violated organizational discipline, concealed the situation of non -personal real estate, and concealed the information of relatives in the recruitment of new employees in violation of the provisions of the employees;Utilizing the convenience of the job, in terms of corporate loan approval, cadre position promotion, employee employment, etc., we have obtained benefits for others and received the property of others. The amount is particularly huge.

According to the report, Liu Xichang, as a leading cadre of the Communist Party of China and a state -owned enterprise managers, loses his ideals and beliefs, discards his original mission, is indifferent to discipline and consciousness.Disciplinary, the eight regulations of the Central Committee, organizational discipline, and discipline of integrity, violated national laws and regulations, suspected of accepting bribery crimes, and still did not converge and stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Should be dealt with seriously.

According to the relevant regulations, after research and decision by the Party Committee of the Bank of Communications, and the party organization of Liu Xichang, Liu Xichang will be expelled from the party to regulate their retirement benefits; the obtained from disciplinary violations.

Liu Xichang did not open his resume.According to, before Liu Xichang served as the director of the Shenyang Audit Bureau, Liu Xichang mainly worked in the Liaoning Branch of the Bank of Communications.According to the industrial and commercial registration information of the Liaoning Branch of the Bank of China, Liu Xichang was the head of the branch from January 2012 to August 2014.In August 2014, the person in charge of the Liaoning Provincial Branch was changed from Liu Xichang to Zhou Baozhi, while Zhou Baozhi fell off in August this year.

Liu Xichang reported on September 13 this year and was investigated on September 13 this year, and was the fifth person in the Bank of Communications since August.