On November 22, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering announced the results of the 2023 academicians.59 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 74 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

A total of 6 people in Jiangsu University were elected. Among them, Xiong Rengen, You Xiaohu at Southeast University were elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhao Yuemin of China University of Mining and Technology, Huang He from Nanjing Normal University, Jin Zhengyu from Jiangnan University, and Zhang Shaoling from Nanjing Agricultural University.Academician of the Academy of Engineering.

You Xiaohu, a 61 -year -old communication expert, has attracted much attention.From 3G, 4G to 5G, 6G, You Xiaohu and his team have been at the forefront of mobile communication technology.

Data show that in 1988, Dr. You Xiaohu graduated from Southeast University's signal, circuit and system majors. He was a professor at the age of 29 and was 31 years old.He has been engaged in the research and practice of mobile communication theory for more than 30 years. He is currently the director, doctoral supervisor, professor, deputy director and chief scientist of the Zijinshan Laboratory, and deputy director of Pengcheng Laboratory.For wireless and mobile communication systems, modern digital signal processing, etc.

Since 1999, You Xiaohu has led the implementation of the National 863 Plan and National Key R & D Plan 3G, 4G, 5G, and 6G research. The formation of technology has promoted my country's technology research and development from backward to moving to the forefront of the world to make significant contributions, and has achieved systematic and creative academic achievements.Due to the initiative of the theoretical and applied practice of broadband wireless transmission capacity, You Xiaohu won the first prize of the National Invention of the 2011 National Technology Invention with the first completion.

In the forefront of science and technology wrestling, You Xiaohu is known as the "Swordsman on the top of the mountain".In 2022, his team was the first to release 100GB/S to 200GB/s with the Taihez wireless transmission system of 200GB/s, setting the highest wireless communication transmission record.According to reports, the Taihez wireless communication is considered a 6G core technology, which breaks the public report of the real -time transmission net rate of the Taehz communication system by more than 100Gbps."In the 5G era, a movie, downloaded in a few seconds; in the 6G era, the transmission rate of the mobile communication system will be faster. Downloading a movie does not even need for 1 second. It really changes human lifestyle and working methods."You Xiaohu said in an interview with surging that 6G research and development has become a new focus of scientific and technological competition in the world. In the future, it will be widely used in six scenarios such as immersive communications and large -scale connections.