Sources revealed that Chinese officials will appoint former CITIC Group CITIC GroupChairman Zhu Hexin is the director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, and it is expected to announce this appointment as soon as this week.

Reuters quoted four sources on Wednesday (November 22) and reported the above news.According to sources, Zhu Hexin will also be appointed as the Vice President of the People's Bank of China to regulate foreign exchange regulatory agencies.

Earlier, the director of the China State Administration of Foreign Exchange was Pan Gongsheng, and Pan Gongsheng was promoted to the president of the People's Bank of China in July this year.

Public information shows that 55 -year -old Zhu He has graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and has worked in the banking industry for more than 20 years.Director, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, chairman of CITIC Group.He is a member of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported in February this February that Zhu Hexin was a popular candidate for Yi Gang to become the president of the People's Bank of China.

Zhu Hexin resigned from the post of chairman of CITIC Group in April this year, and the group vice chairman Fang Heying took over as chairman.

Zhu Hexin was appointed Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, just as China worked hard to boost growth, resist the risk of financial instability, and stabilized currency to curb capital outflows.