According to the news of the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on November 21: Zeng Zhaobao, the former chairman of the Shangqiu Municipal Political Consultative Conference, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and actively committed the case. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Zeng Zhaobao

Zeng Zhaobao was a member of the Standing Committee of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission.

Public resumes show that Zeng Zhaobao was born in August 1961. He used to be the head of Xinxian County, Guoshi's county head, and Secretary of the Luohe District Party Committee.

In June 2003, Zeng Zhaobao served as Deputy Mayor of Shangqiu City, and served as Minister and Deputy Mayor of the United Front Work Department of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee in December 2006. In September 2011He served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission.

In February 2016, Zeng Zhaobao served as Chairman of the Shangqiu CPPCC. He stepped down in January this year and was investigated so far.

On the same day, several disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres were dealt with.

According to the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection: Wang Shaoxiong, the head of the eighth inspection team of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Public information shows that Wang Shaoxiong was born in January 1954. He used to be the deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, the director of the Municipal Elderly Bureau, Secretary of the Wuhan Caidian District Party Committee, Secretary -General of Wuhan CPPCC, 2013 as HubeiThe deputy leader of the Eighth Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee, and later the leader of the Eighth Patrol Group of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee. Previously, Fan Renfu, the original head of the inspection team of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, was investigated.

According to the news of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Ma Fengxia, former director of the Third Supervision and Inspection Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was expelled from the party and public office.

After investigation, Ma Fengxia, as a party member and leading cadre of the disciplinary inspection and supervision system, abandoned the ideals and beliefs, discarded the principles of party spirit, believed in confusion, lost the spirit, do not believe in Marxism -Leninism to believe in ghosts and gods, obsessed with feudal superstition activities;During the period, the wind violated discipline, and the management service objects and shopping cards were accepted illegally, and the gifts that received significantly beyond normal gifts would be paid by my own person.Receiving and work transfer seek benefits and receive property for others; intervene in intervening in discipline law enforcement activities; conspiracy to seek personal personnel, use job convenience to organize personnel, engineering contracting, corporate operations, etc., and illegally receive huge property.

Ma Fengxia used to be the deputy director of the Third Supervision and Inspection Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the first -level investigator.News on June 6 this year, she was checked.