Singapore Minister of Health Wang Yikang said that all Singaporeans hope hopeSino -US relations are friendly and avoid conflicts.

Wang Yikang on Tuesday (November 21) attended .At the scene, a Singapore student who studied at Peking University asked him: Some young people in Singapore do not hold a very positive attitude towards China. Will this impact the social cohesion of Singapore?

Wang Yikang said in the answer that Singaporeans want regional peace and Singapore to be peaceful and stable."Of course, because of historical relationships, it may be different for China's feelings, but everyone hopes that the world's diplomatic relations will be good. Do not have any political disaster ... and the relationship between China and the United States is the most important relationship in the world. I believe all SingaporeansWhether it is old or young, I hope that Sino -US relations will be good."We seek truth from facts and look at all issues in a objective way. I hope to be friends with China and friends in the United States. In fact, there are many places in China and the United States. I believe that people on both sides, neighboring countries, and the world do not want them to conflict."

Wang Yikang's discussion session, Mi Wenjuan, founder and CEO of VIPKID with the education and training institution, and Liu Yonggang, president and editor -in -chief of the surging news,""Communicate.The interview was chaired by Li Huiling, the president of the Chinese Media Group of the New Newspaper Media.