Recently, the intermediate People's Court of Pingliang City, Gansu Province, issued a death penalty for execution, saying that Zhang Longji, the principal of Jingning County, a primary school principal, raped prostitution and obscene many young girls during his teaching.The crime of obscenity of children was sentenced to 10 years in prison.The crime and punishment decided to execute the death penalty and deprive the political rights for life.In accordance with the execution of the death penalty order issued by the President of the Supreme People's Court, the court had verified Zhang Longji on November 7 this year and was detained to the execution ground to inject the death penalty.The payment time is November 7 this year.

Red Star journalists confirmed the authenticity of the above announcement from the People's Government of Jingning County.On the afternoon of November 11, Red Star reporters learned from the Education Bureau of Jingning County that relevant departments have helped and rescue the victims.

Red Star journalists learned that on May 25 this year, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly issued an explanation of several legal issues on handling rape and obscenity of criminal cases of rape, obscenity of criminal cases of minors,The judicial concept of severe punishment further clarifies and refine the relevant claims and aggravated penalties to ensure that the crime of punishment is adaptive, punishment should be the crime, and the crime of punishment.

▲ The Pingliang Intermediate Court of Pingliang Intermediate Court of the Internet executes the notice

Official reply:

Primary School President was executed to death.

Related departments have helped help the victims

According to the Pingliang Intermediate Court, Zhang Longji, male, Han nationality, was born on February 24, 1979 in Jingning County, Gansu Province, university culture.From 2010 to June 2019, during the teachings, chiefs and teachers in a elementary school in Jingning County, he used corporal punishment and other methods to form a spiritual control of primary school students with lack of sexual defense.His dormitory has repeatedly committed adultery for young girls from 5 to 12 years old. In the classroom or in his dormitory, he has repeatedly implemented the 7 to 14 -year -old children.The Pingliang Intermediate People's Court sentenced Zhang Longji to the crime of rape, sentenced to death, and deprived of political rights for life.The crime and punishment decided to perform the death penalty and deprive the political rights for life.

After the case was sentenced, Zhang Longji appealed, and was rejected by the Gansu Provincial Higher People's Court to maintain the original sentence of the death penalty and approved by the Supreme People's Court.On November 7 this year, the Pingliang Intermediate People's Court followed the execution of the death penalty order issued by the President of the Supreme People's Court to verify the positive body of Zhang Longji, detained the execution ground, and inject the death penalty.

On November 11, the Red Star reporter confirmed the authenticity of the above notice from the People's Government of Jingning County.On the afternoon of the same day, the staff of the Education Bureau of Jingning County told the Red Star reporter that the case was "a few years ago." The relevant notices issued by the Pingliang Intermediate People's Court have introduced the specific situation.After the incident, relevant departments carried out relevant assistance and assistance to the victims.

Red Star reporter Wang Chao Yang Ling

Editor Peng Xinjiang Editor Deng Yiguang