(Jinan Comprehensive News) Sun Dushun, the former president of CITIC Bank, was sentenced to death for bribery. It was executed for two years for two years, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property.

CCTV News reported that the Jinan Intermediate Court of Shandong Province was sentenced to the first instance of the Sun Deshun case on Friday (November 10).It was found out that from 2003 to 2019, Sun Dushun used his high -level positions in many banks to illegally receive property equivalent to more than RMB 979.5 billion (S $ 186 million).

The court believes that Sun Dushun's behavior constitutes a crime of bribery, the amount of bribery is particularly huge, the crime is particularly serious, and the social impact is particularly bad. The interests of the country and the people suffer particularly major losses. The crime should be sentenced to death.However, in view of the fact that Sun Dushun was truthfully confessed after the crime, confession and regrets, and actively refunding the stolen arts, such as the legal and declined punishment, the death penalty was sentenced to death.At the same time, it was decided that after the second year of the death sentence was executed, the second -year expiration of the sentence was reduced to life imprisonment, and life was imprisoned without mining or parole.

Sun Dushun was born in November 1958. He worked in many financial institutions such as the People's Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and Bank of Communications.He was expelled from the Communist Party of China in March 2020.

The State Commission of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Sun Dushun was a typical example of corruption in the financial field of the financial field.

Anti -corruption feature film zero tolerance mentioned that Sun Dushun's corruption method is unique. He does not directly collect cash. Instead, he can fulfill the benefits through complex financial methods and products, and set up a multi -layer firewall to cover up his behavior.The film pointed out that although the central government has repeatedly emphasized that financial services should focus on supporting the real economy and manufacturing, and avoid excessive credit funds from flowing to real estate, Sun Dushun runs counter to the end, and has publicly requested to stop loans to the manufacturing industry.

The CCP's anti -corruption in -depth financial fields.Recently, Zhang Hongli, the former vice president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was investigated. Previously, Liu Lianzhang, former chairman of the Bank of China, was arrested for accepting bribery and illegal issuance of loans.