The former party secretary of China Merchants Bank and president Tian Huiyu was suspectedThe first trial of the first trial of bribery and other trials was held on Thursday.

According to CCTV news reports, the Hunan Provincial Intermediate People's Court of Hunan Province opened the trial on Thursday 1st trial to trial Tian Huiyu's bribery, abuse of power of state -owned company personnel, using uninterrupted information transactions, insider transactions, and leakage inside information.

The People's Procuratorate of Changde City sued accusations that Tian Huiyu used the vice president of China Shinda Trust Investment Company from 1997 to 2022, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shanghai Bank of Shanghai, and China Construction Bank.Deputy Secretary and Vice President of the Party Committee of Shanghai Branch, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Beijing Branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.It helps relevant units and individuals in terms of loan approval, business contracting, work transfer and other matters, and illegally accept the property given by others, which is equivalent to a total of more than 210 million yuan (RMB, about 39 million yuan).

Tian Huiyu was also accused of abusing power during the party committee secretary and president of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., interfered with the normal business decision -making activities of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.Other non -disclosure information other than insider information obtained by jobs, violating regulations, engaged in securities trading activities related to the above information, and the circumstances are particularly serious.Before disclosure, buy the securities, or leak relevant information, or indicate or imply that others are engaged in the above transaction activities, and the plot is particularly serious.

The procuratorial organs requested that Tian Huiyu's criminal responsibility for bribery, the crime of abuse of power of state -owned company personnel, the crime of using information transactions, insider trading, and leakage of inside information.

Tian Huiyu expressed his confession in court, and the court announced that it was pronounced.

The 57 -year -old Tian Huiyu was the vice president of the trust investment company, the vice president of Shanghai Bank of China, the deputy president of the CCB Shanghai Branch, and the president of the CCB Shenzhen Branch.

In May 2013, 47 -year -old Tian Huiyu served as the party committee secretary of China Merchants Bank, and later worked as a president. So far, he has worked in the bank for nearly nine years.His term of office was originally ended in June last year, but two months before the end of his term were investigated, and in October last year, he was "double -opened" (expels the Communist Party of China and public office).