According to the news of the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on November 12, Zeng Shaoxiong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Group Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious disciplinary violations. At present, the disciplinary review and supervision investigation of the Ganzhou Discipline Inspection Commission and Municipal Supervision Committee.

Zeng Shaoxiong

According to public resumes, Zeng Shaoxiong, male, Han nationality, born in May 1964, a native of Fengcheng, Jiangxi, a postgraduate degree in work, joined the work in August 1983, and joined the Communist Party of China in January 1989.Zeng Shaoxiong has worked at Jiangxi Province Animal Husbandry Farm, Provincial Publishing Agency, Provincial Publishing Business Administration, Provincial Press and Publication Bureau, Provincial Red Star Electronic Audiovisual Publishing House, and Provincial Publishing Group Corporation. Deputy General Manager and Member of the Party Committee, Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Party Committee of Jiangxi Province. In 2014, Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd. was unveiled and established. Zeng Shaoxiong served as Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company .During the period, the company was renamed Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd. in July 2019.In addition, in July this year, Li You, the former chief engineer of Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd., was investigated.Li You was born in October 1976. In 2015, he served as a member and deputy general manager of Jiangxi Tourism Group Co., Ltd., and the general engineer of the company. He was dismissed in May this year and was investigated.