According to the news of the WeChat public account of the "Zhejiang Group" on November 9, Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee decided that Comrade Zhang Zhenfeng was appointed Secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Zhang Zhenfeng was the title of "Secretary of the National Committee of the country", and in April 2022, he served as the mayor of Wenzhou City.

Zhang Zhenfeng (data map source: Wenzhou released)

According to public resumes, Zhang Zhenfeng was born in November 1968 , graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Aquatic Institute of Aquatic Products in 1990. He used to be the secretary of the party committee of Jingjiang Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, and deputy mayor of Xiaoshan District.

In 2007, Zhang Zhenfeng served as member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaoshan District Committee and Deputy District Chief (and) .Member of the Party Working Committee of the Development Zone (Zhejiang Hangzhou Export Processing Zone), deputy director of the management committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hangzhou Jiangdong Industrial Park (Hangzhou Jiangdong New City), director of the management committee, etc.In the meantime, was clearly the deputy hall level in 2008.

In November 2011, Zhang Zhenfeng was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Lin'an Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor, the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City of Hangzhou, and the director of the Management Committee.secretary.

In 2016, Zhang Zhenfeng was appointed Deputy Secretary -General of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, and in 2017, he served as executive deputy secretary of the Hangzhou Discipline Inspection Commission.

According to Zhejiang Daily, after Zhang Zhenfeng went to work in Yuhang, he keenly seeing the imbalance of development in the region, especially the imbalance of innovation and development, is more prominent.Zhang Zhenfeng used two months to investigate in depth, and combined with the deployment of central, provincial and municipalities, and local reality, focusing on innovation, beauty, and governance of the "three global".Among them, create a source of innovation in the region, ranking first.

In 2020, Yuhang District became the first district (county, city) to exceed 300 billion yuan in Zhejiang Province.

On June 29, 2021, Zhang Zhenfeng was awarded the title of "Secretary of the National Outstanding County Party Committee".

In November 2021, Zhang Zhenfeng was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. The following month served as the mayor of Wenzhou City. In April 2022, he was the mayor of Wenzhou City .

According to the official website, Wenzhou City is located in the southeast of Zhejiang Province, the east is on the east, Fujian in the south, and the west and northwest of Lishui City.At the end of 2022, the city's household registration population was 83.18 million, and the permanent population in the city was 9.679 million.In 2022, the regional GDP was 802.98 billion yuan.