On November 8th, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News revealed the details of the serious violation of the law of Tang Xiaofeng, the former vice chairman of the CPPCC of Tongchuan District, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province.

Planning experts break the rules, and the heart is the commissioning

Tang Xiaofeng, male, born in January 1970, joined the work in July 1992.Former deputy director of the Planning and Construction Office of the Dazhou Economic Development Zone Management Committee of Sichuan Province; the person in charge of the Economic Development Zone Branch of the Dazhou Housing and Urban Construction Bureau; the person in charge of the Dazhou High -tech Zone Economic and Trade Investment Promotion Bureau;Division; Chairman of the Tongchuan District Industry and Commerce Federation; Deputy Director of the Housing and Urban -Rural Planning and Endering Center of Tongchuan District; Deputy Chairman of the Tongchuan District CPPCC.

In April 2022, the Dazhou Municipal Supervisory Commission was investigated and took the placement of unprepared measures on Tang Xiaofeng's serious violations of the law.In November of the same year, the Dazhou Municipal Supervisory Committee gave Tang Xiaofeng a public office to seize his illegal income, transferred his suspected criminal issues to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.

Tang Xiaofeng has been engaged in urban and rural planning for 30 years. At the beginning of his work, he was a solid and hard -working planning cadre in the eyes of leaders.However, with the promotion of the position and the increase in power in his hands, he gradually became high, claiming to "expert type" leadership, perfunctory things about ideological and political learning, and intoxicated by the pursuit of money and power in the pursuit of money and power.EssenceFrom illegal and part -time paid to the rules, to the use of power to accept the money of others, to actively seeking huge benefits, Tang Xiaofeng fell into the abyss of illegal crimes step by step, and eventually he was trapped.

Psychological imbalance, greedy money is anxious to realize power

In 1992, Tang Xiaofeng participated in the urban -rural planning survey and design office of the second -level public institutions of the former construction committee of Dazhu County.As a fledgling recruit, Tang Xiaofeng worked hard to reserve professional knowledge and improve his professional skills. The achievements achieved at work have attracted the attention of the organization, and the title of his professional titles will soon be promoted to engineers. In the eyes of leaders and colleagues, he is a talented talent.In Tang Xiaofeng's own words, it was a period of "no selfish thoughts".

In 2003, Tang Xiaofeng obtained the qualifications of the national registered urban planner through the test and began to emerge in his peers.In daily work, Tang Xiaofeng came into contact with projects of more than one million yuan. He watched the bosses sending money by undertaking the project, but his life was getting bigger and bigger. He was worried about the wages of wages every day.EssenceAffected by the view of bad money and consumption, Tang Xiaofeng began to psychologically imbalance: Why is the culture lower than those who are weaker than himself, and make more money than himself?He thought, he couldn't go through this way, and he had to think about "method" to change the status quo.

"After having a certain power, Tang Xiaofeng began to dissatisfied with his own treatment and income, causing psychological imbalances, and began to use illegal part -time paid and corruption to" compensate 'himself. This kind of crazy and wealth behavior reflects that he cannot treat fame and fortune correctlyIntegration, worrying about the error of power and values ​​of "power expires', eager to" realize power ".

In 2004, Tang Xiaofeng borrowed the qualifications of the design institute opened by a friend illegally to find "part -time" in his work area.With the influence of his position, he has successively undertaken a number of township planning and design business in Xuanhan County and Wanyuan City, and has received more than 600,000 yuan in violation of regulations.In 2007, Tang Xiaofeng undertook the planning and establishment of the Kaijiang County Industrial Park somewhere from a design institute in Dazhou City, and obtained 60,000 yuan afterwards.At this time, Tang Xiaofeng believed that this was "earning money with professionalism and not using power to make profits", which laid the root cause of the future.

In 2010, Tang Xiaofeng also introduced an engineer Zeng Mou, an engineer of a Sichuan Traffic Survey and Design Institute, inherited the navigation demonstration project of a bridge in Dazhou. Afterwards, Zeng Mou gave Tang Xiaofeng 430,000 yuan in a hotel in Chengdu."Relying on his professional and technical ability not to put anything in his eyes, it is impossible, it is this mentality that hurts him." The person handling staff said that Tang Xiaofeng explained after he arrived, although he read a lot of ancient books, he was familiar with it, and he was familiar with it.The stories and values ​​of integrity and righteousness in traditional culture, but in fact, there is no faith. It is believed that having deep professional technology is the greatest value.

Gan was hunting, and the "professional consultant" coat is difficult to conceal the real money.

In 2012, after Tang Xiaofeng served as the person in charge of the Economic and Development Board of the Housing and Urban Construction Bureau of Dazhou City, he had a certain right to recommend in the project planning pre -selection site, the preliminary review of the planning and design plan, and the approval of the planning plan.Come on and seek "help".

"The professional ability of the Tang Dynasty said in Dazhou second, no one dares to say first, this project can only be taken out of the ground in person!" In May 2013, Lu Mou, a shareholder of a chemical finite liability company in Sichuan, for"Lattering relationships" with Tang Xiaofeng, speaking some of the words, at the same time stuffed 10,000 yuan in cash; Wang Mou, general manager of a mechanical limited liability company in Dazhou, in order to allow the preliminary review and signing approval of his own mechanical base to get "care", Sending 50,000 yuan in cash ... After Tang Xiaofeng received the money, he reviewed the pre -selection application application for the first time, and quickly signed the approval to determine the preparatory address of the above project and the scope of the section of the site.The progress of the handling allows the two to get the land in a short period of time.

Once the gate of desire is opened, it is out of control.From the end of 2014 to September 2017, a industrial company in Dazhou gave Tang Xiaofeng's care for the project planning and design, and gave Tang Xiaofeng a total of 25,000 yuan in cash 4 times. From 2016 to 2019, Dazhou Investment Company would thank Tang Xiaofeng for the project in the project for the project.The preliminary review of the planning and design schemes, the care of the experts of the experts, and the review of the prescription committee, and sent it 60,000 yuan to it 6 times; from 2017 to 2021, to obtain the text review and planning of Tang Xiaofeng in the planning and design scheme text.In terms of acceptance, technology review, etc., a real estate company in Sichuan has given a total of 110,000 yuan in cash in the form of the New Year or festival.The care given by the preliminary review work, a design and construction company gave Tang Xiaofeng a cash 200,000 yuan in a tea house in Chongqing ...

Most of the 30 personnel who bribe Tang Xiaofeng are the heads of engineering construction enterprises or projects. They are mainly concentrated in the process of approval, planning review and acceptance of the pre -project construction elements.Features of illegal crimes.Tang Xiaofeng's time to receive cash by others is mostly during the Mid -Autumn Festival, the Spring Festival and other holidays. The bribes are sent to the "small meaning" on the grounds of holiday greetings and maintenance relationships. The same project is often divided into previous, events, and afterwards.

"The place of bribery is concentrated in restaurants, tea buildings, and offices, reflecting that Tang Xiaofeng has too close contact with the management service objects in his amateur life and is obsessed with greed for enjoyment.It is regarded as a place for personal accumulation of wealth, and he is bold and arrogant.High -end comment ".

In 2018, the site selection of the headquarters of Dazhou Construction Machinery Company was launched by Tang Xiaofeng's recommendation through Tang Xiaofeng's "Dating Friends", and was planned by Tang Xiaofeng.However, at the beginning of the project planning, Tang Xiaofeng was widely questioned by Sun Moumou, including the legal representative of the construction machinery company, including the project machinery company.They believe that this location is located on a stone mountain. The foundation is hard and the volume of the flat field project is not suitable for the best location as the headquarters base.But Tang Xiaofeng quietly told Sun Moumou: "You have to believe in my professional, keep you make a lot of money!"

It turns out that although this stone mountain is not suitable as the headquarters base, it has rich high -quality stone resources. Tang Xiaofeng used the planning and compilation of the planning and reporting approval by his own hands.In this way, Sun Moumou can do it on the grounds that the construction of a flat field canReasonable mining stone resources, it is estimated that it can make more than 30 million yuan.

Through this operation, Tang Xiaofeng can not only introduce this land as his own achievements, but also avoid the regular channels and costs of mining these stone materials, digging the national resource walls to seek huge benefits for others, but also for himself.Flowing a lot of benefits.After understanding the "mystery" of this stone mountain, Sun Moumou was very happy to agree with the site selection and sent a "thank you fee" of 3.02 million yuan.

"" The planning field is strong, and Tang Xiaofeng has dual roles of approval management and industry authority in his work. There is no mechanism for mutual restraint and supervision.The planning field is big, and the case person handles the case.

I do n’t choose to do nothing, Lingcai cleverly seizes illegal interests

"After a long time, I started to indulge my behavior, took the initiative to plan, and cleverly grabbed huge sums of money, and eventually fell into the abyss of the crime." Tang Xiaofeng, who has been hunt for a long time, has gradually expanded.Well money, began to use the power in your hands to seek greater benefits.

In 2016, Tang Xiaofeng used the opportunity to apply for the renovation planning planning planning of Tongchuan District's old town shantytown to recommend a shed reform project in the Tongchuan District to Xiong Moumou, friend Xiao Moumou, and friend Xiao Moumou, and Xiao Moumou in Dazhou City.The owner of a company, Li Moumou and others, let them introduce well -known real estate development companies to participate in the later construction.After several introduction, a real estate company participated in the competition of this project. In the key parts of the project auction of the project, Tang Xiaofeng boldly became a "commercial spy": the day before the reference price commitment was held to hold the bidding guarantee, LiMoumou gave Tang Xiaofeng, and told him to secretly bring the phone in, and used the mobile phone to disclose the bottom price number with the mobile phone.

"I put my mobile phone on the conference table, put the old man's machine given by Li Moumou in the pants pocket, and then came to the bathroom to send Li Moumou to Li Moumou. I compiled a '25'That is, it means that it was sent to him by 2500 yuan per square meter.Due to Tang Xiaofeng's thoroughness, the real estate company won the project at a price of 5 yuan per square meter at a reserve price of only 5 yuan per square meter, and Tang Xiaofeng obtained a "thank you fee" of up to 7 million yuan because of this behavior.However, considering that such a large amount of money was directly collected, Tang Xiaofeng and Xiong Moumou decided to divide each other after discussion, and lent the 3.5 million yuan to Xiong Moumou to invest.

At this time, Tang Xiaofeng was completely misplaced, and formed a community of interests with the businessman bosses, and became the "private expert" of some businessman bosses.

The survey shows that from 2012 to 2021, Tang Xiaofeng took advantage of the convenience of his position to make a profit for others in terms of business introduction, project pre -selection, planning and design scheme review approval, land use adjustment, planning acceptance, etc.Others illegally receive cash up to more than 11.6 million yuan.Waiting for Tang Xiaofeng will be severe punishment of the law.

According to the China Business Daily