The surging news reporter learned from the relevant departments that Comrade Wen, the Minister of the Founding of the National Major General and the former Minister of the Artillery Department, died in Beijing on November 8, 2023 at the age of 106.

Public information shows that the strike, a native of Ba County, Hebei, was born in 1918, formerly known as Liu Shutang.He joined the Eighth Army in 1937.Former artillery division, director of the Xuanhua Artillery Academy Training Department, Deputy Dean and Minister of Training, Commander of the Artillery of the Jinan Military Region, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Artillery Commission of the Military Commission, and Minister of the Artillery Department (deputy district) of the General Staff.In 1964, he was promoted to the rank of major general.

Three days and nights in the Korean battlefield artillery duel, wiped out the 8th regiment of the US military

According to the previous report of Zhangjiakou News, in December 1937, 19 -year -old was written in Rong Rong and went to the Anti -Japanese battlefield.He first served as a staff member of the military and political school of the Jinchaji Military Region, and then transferred to the artillery camp of the Military Region, and since then he has forged an inextricable bond with the artillery.In March of the following year, the head of the Strike Rate reached Yan'an.In February 1945, he served as the Political Commissar of the 3rd Brigade of Yan'an Artillery School.

During the war of liberation, the strikes entered the northeast with the Yan'an Artillery School and repeatedly made great achievements.After the liberation of the Northeast, three regiments entered the Guan to participate in the Battle of Pingjin. The command troops captured the strong stronghold in Tianjin's peripherals, destroyed the frontier of the enemy with a rapid artillery, and timely supported the infantry to fight in time.

"During the War of Resistance to the United States and the DPRK, I fought dozens of battles in large and small, and the most memorable is the Yunshan battle." Speaking of the experience of participating in the war more than 70 years ago, the veteran general still remembered during his lifetime.

In October 1953, Wen Zhen participated in the volunteer artillery hero representative meeting.China Military Network Picture

On October 19, 1950, the first batch of volunteer artillery division chiefs, the first batch of war, entered the North Korea.On November 1st, the 1st Division participated in the first battle in Yunshan.On the same day, the artillery observation institute suddenly found that the enemy besieged was transferred by car.It turned out that the 8th Regiment of the 1st Division, known as the "Changsheng Division", was replacing defense with the South Korean Army.The fighter was fleeting, and the superior decided to launch an attack in advance.

In the general attack, when the commander was hit, when the U.S. tank rushed to the front of our position, it suddenly opened the tank.The U.S. military has never taught such a brave artillery and began to run south.Three days and nights of fierce fighting, wiped out the 8th regiment of the U.S. military, and severely hit the arrogance of the U.S. military.

After the war, the captured U.S. military commander said to the Wen: "Your soldiers are very brave, and the fireworks are also very violent. Your cannons must be more than us.The confusion of the opponent was unbuttoned: "It is true that our soldiers are brave and tenacious, but the cannons are much less than you. However, we know how to make limited artillery play the greatest power. Therefore, you will think our artillery fireEverywhere you are " The battle of Yunshan, the strikes led the artillery traction with horses, and sync with the synchronized soldiers defeated the US military with aircraft, tanks, and large -caliber artillery.The role model of inferior victory broke the myth of the U.S. Cavalry 1st Division in 160 years.This battle, as a classic case of fighting against the United States and the DPRK, was history and military textbooks by many countries.

Only the founding major generals left only two

After the death of General's death, there are only 2 people in the founding generals. They all participated in the revolution during the Red Army period, and they were over 100 years old.At present, all the founding major generals in 1955 have died.

From 1955 to 1965, my country was awarded or promoted to the Marshal of the People's Republic of China, 10 Chinese People's Liberation Army, 57 Chinese People's Liberation Army, 177 Chinese People's Liberation Army and 1360 Chinese People's Liberation Army. General.These people are generally referred to as "the founding generals."

At present, among the "founding generals" group, marshals, generals, generals, and generals have died, and the two old generals are the founding major generals.

Surging news reporters inquired that one of the two founding major generals, 1 person was awarded in 1961, and 1 person was awarded in 1964.

Among them, the Major General, which was awarded in 1961, was Zhang Lixiong, the former administrative committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Military Region. The Major General, which was awarded in 1964, was Wang Fuzhi, the former deputy commander of the Urumqi Military Region.The younger was Wang Fuzhi, the former deputy commander of the Urumqi Military Region who was born in 1923.