A number of students in the team of Zhongshan Second Hospital (Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Zhongshan University) in the Internet.Three of the personnel were diagnosed with cancer in 2023.

The younger sister Lele (pseudonym), who suffered from pancreatic cancer in the announcement, said in an interview with the Qilu Evening News.After speaking, "Our family members will not say that they are not clear, and protect their family and sisters to the greatest extent."

Lele confirmed that Huang suffered from pancreatic cancer and the situation of being kicked out by the surname of Su, "He did kick his sister out.Just kick people. "After getting a pathological report, Lele said that his sister did not account for the mentor and was removed from the group. "We didn't respond at all, I don't know why he did it."

The Internet passed by Huang was kicked out of the group chat screenshot

Dialogue between Lele and reporters

For the content of the announcement of the hospital, Lele said: "(Three people in the notice) Each person is responsible for different topics, but they often do experiments." Lele revealed that his sister's condition is still very serious, She hopes to get the help of all sectors of the society about her sister's condition. "We don't want to care so much now, just see if we can have the opportunity to save my sister."

Lele believes that the hospital should be responsible for his sister's illness, hoping to arrange the best treatment for his sister, and to reduce the economic burden on patients.

Incident review

On November 7th, netizens "User 5232934298" posted that the second affiliated to Sun Yat -sen University (Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital) of Sun Yat -sen University (Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital) of the breast surgery surnamed Su, a number of students collectively suffered from rare cancer, one of whichAfter graduating from the PhD last year, the student was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. After revealing that he had only a few months of life, he was kicked out of the talked with the tutor.Once the incident was exposed, it caused a stir.

At 16:00 on the 7th, the Qilu Evening News · Qilu Yiyi reporter contacted the staff of the Party Committee of the Zhongshan Second Hospital. The other party said that the relevant information was not true, and the official announcement will be issued on the 7th.According to the Daily Economic News, on the 7th, the above -mentioned mentor Su Shicheng was still in a normal consultation. He also responded with three "completely rumors".Rumors will be announced later.

On the evening of the 7th, the relevant person Dier (pseudonym) provided a photo of a pathological report to Qilu Evening News.It is said that the parties with pancreatic cancer metastasis.The photo shows that the pathological report was issued on November 2nd, and the patient was Huang. At the age of 29, the out -of -the -larition institution was an affiliated oncology hospital in Sun Yat -sen University. The clinical diagnosis column wrote: "The lesions meet malignant tumors, consider the metastasis of pancreatic cancer"Essence

Huang's detailed pathological report

Huang Mou's sisters (pseudonym) told Qilu Evening News · Qilu Yiyi reporter that Huang has been studying at Sun Yat -sen University in Sun Yat -sen University since 2012. Bento is a student of Sun Yat -sen University. Followed that Huang's Weibo showed that in September this year, his pancreatitis was hospitalized in October in October, and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on November 1st.

At 22:22 on the 8th, Zhongshan Second Hospital issued an official response that three of the people who worked and studying in the laboratory of the Hospital's Breast Oncology Center in recent years have suffered from cancer.Urocar cancer.The hospital also stated that, given that the causes of individual cancer are extremely complicated, and sincerely welcome relevant departments to organize third -party institutions for evaluation and investigation.

Details of Zhongshan Second Hospital